Beauty and The Highlander

Free Beauty and The Highlander by Hildie McQueen

Book: Beauty and The Highlander by Hildie McQueen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hildie McQueen
    How glorious he was. Fully male and every delectable
inch hers to explore. Analise sat and held her hand out. Carrick took it and
came to the edge of the bed then climbed in and lay on his side. His eyes
widened when Analise pushed him to his back and slid her hands from his chest
to his hips, her fingers sliding across the hard planes. "What are you
    "Touching you. Every bit of you." She
continued her exploration, massaging his skin, pressing her lips on his chest,
flicking her tongue across the stiff points. "Mmm." He closed his
eyes and kept his arms to his sides allowing her full access to his body.
    Instinct took over and she covered him with her body
using her mouth, teeth and lips to suckle, nip and lick different places. She
learned where he was most sensitive by his grunts of pleasure and paid extra
attention to those spots.
    "I can't take much more without losing my
seed," Carrick breathed heavily. He placed his hands on both sides of her
face and drew her up to his hungry mouth. "Guide me to you."
    Close to release herself, already dripping wet with
need of him, Analise could barely wait to join. She straddled and lowered
taking him fully.
    Both let out a moan of pleasure. Carrick took her hips
again, lifting and then lowering.
    Analise placed her hands on his chest and took over
meeting his thrusts with her own, going faster and faster toward the goal that
eluded her, yet seemed so close. She watched as Carrick threw his head back,
his full lips parted. Even in the midst of rapture he was striking.
    Finally her surroundings went black, and she let go,
falling into the abyss surrounded by his hoarse cries of release.

    Chapter Fourteen
    The morning sun broke through to light the room.
Carrick opened his eyes and let out a sigh. The weight of Analise's leg thrown
across his own and arm about his waist was a perfect way to awaken. He'd
dreamed of mornings such as these.
    Her long golden brown hair was a tangled mess that
tumbled over his arm and down her back. A more fetching woman he'd never seen
as the one now in his arms. Would be every night until his last breath.
    When she stirred, he held still hoping she'd not move
away. Her beautiful sky blue eyes lifted to him and her lips curved. "Oh
good, I was afraid it may have been a beautiful dream."
    Carrick kissed her. "’Tis not a dream."
    She wiggled closer. "I am happy then."
    "Are you really?" Carrick could still not
understand how it was possible she found him desirable. After so many years of
hearing from his father and others how everyone found him an appalling sight,
it would take a long time to believe it was not so.
    "I am." Analise kissed his chest. "God
has gifted me with a second husband, a handsome man at that, and another chance
at a family."
    "Aye, we will have young. And your destiny as the
Lady of Gordon keep will be fulfilled. Everything will be as it should."
    She burrowed her brow. "There is one more thing I
wish for."
    "What do you wish for, wife? Tell me and I will
ensure you have it." Carrick could not fathom what she'd ask.
    "I wish for your heart." Her face flushed a
pretty pink shade. "I wish for your love, Carrick. If it were to happen
then all will be perfect."
    "Consider it done." He laughed when she
huffed and hit him in the chest. "Truly, I already love you, Analise. I
love you for seeing past my scars. And for standing by me and accepting all
that I am without ever giving up on me."
    "How did you get that scar?"
    "My father cut my face while we sparred when I
was about ten years. Mother was so angry with him. They fought bitterly."
    "I don't understand. Is that why he mistreated
you so?"
    "No. I remind him of my mother. She never loved
him, yet doted on me. That is why he never cared for me."
    "In the end I believe he realized the mistake he
made in his treatment of you."
    Carrick shrugged. "It is his burden to carry to
the afterlife."
    "You are a good man, Carrick Gordon. I love
    Carrick's stomach

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