Laure Donavan 2 - Ghouls Night Out
moved in
closer to my ear again. “Does he have a radio in this thing he
calls a car?”
    “ Does your radio work?” I
    “ Yes, it’s not the best,
but it works. You want to listen to it?” He reached for the knob
with one hand while steering with the other.
    “ Sure, that would be
    I bit my tongue, trying not to lash
out at Anthony. What was wrong with Callahan’s car anyway? So what
if it rattled and bounced. It was perfectly fine in my opinion. Not
everyone had to drive a fancy new car. Before the thought had
completely left my brain, a clanking noise rang out from the back
section of the car.
    “ Sounds like something’s
stuck in the wheel.” Callahan steered onto the shoulder, coming to
a halt next to a wooded area on the side of the road. “I’ll check
it out real quick. You stay here, okay? I don’t want a car to come
by while we’re standing out there and hit us.” Callahan climbed out
of the car before I could protest.

Chapter Thirteen
    I didn’t want Callahan to be hit by a
car either although, as isolated as it was, I doubt one would come
by anytime soon.
    Darkness covered the night sky, but
moonbeams cascaded down, illuminating the area with a mystical
glow. The stars twinkled softly in the indigo twilight like tiny
    As soon as Callahan closed the door,
Anthony spoke up, “A beautiful babe such as yourself should be
toolin’ around town in a pink caddy convertible.”
    “ Oh yeah, that’s just what
I need.” I snorted. The last thing I wanted was to draw attention
to myself by driving a gigantic pink car. Under the radar, that’s
where I liked to stay.
    I flipped the dial on the radio,
hoping that would distract him and derail the conversation, or
drown out the chatter. I’d take either option. I switched the
station from Talk Radio to Top Forty.
    “ Everyone likes this music,
right?” I asked, not really concerned whether they enjoyed my
choice of channels.
    I peered around the
shoulder-to-shoulder ghosts perched in the backseat to see if
Callahan might need my help. He said I should stay in the car, but
when did I ever listen to what anyone told me.
    “ Without a doubt, this is
the worst music I’ve ever heard,” Anthony barked.
    All right, clearly I was wrong about
the station being suitable for everyone’s taste. “Why don’t you
tell me what you want to hear then, instead of making me
    “ How about classical?” Seth
    Anthony looked at Seth, then finally
said, “I like classical, but I could go for Fifties.”
    Please don’t let them bicker over the
radio like eight-year-olds. I moved the dial to the oldies station.
“You Belong to Me” glided from the little speakers on the car
doors. Anthony’s breath grazed my ear, tickling a
    “ Just remember, darling,
you belong to me.” He sang only a few lyrics, but his voice was
amazing. Did I dare tell him? Even my toes tingled. Nope. No need
to encourage him.
    “ I’m feeling neglected over
here. I’m accustomed to attention from the opposite sex,” Mae
    “ You’ve got all my
attention,” Seth replied.
    “ Trust me, Mae, it’s not
all it’s cracked up to be.” I rubbed my temples. “At this
particular time, I’d rather you had the attention than
    Seth chuckled from the
    Anthony didn’t acknowledge Mae’s
statement. “What do you see in that guy?”
    “ She probably sees him in
her bedroom?” Mae quipped.
    Anthony leaned back in the seat. “All
right, doll, but I’ll make you fall in love with me.”
    Dare I remind him that he was dead? I
watched the three of them in the rearview mirror. They smiled
    Movement in my peripheral vision
caught my attention. I turned my focus on the wooded area on the
side of the road. We really were in the middle of nowhere. Was it
another spirit out there? I didn’t have room for another one,
unless it wanted to ride in the trunk or hang on to the top of the
car. Trees lined both sides

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