The Debt & the Doormat
Especially at this hour.  I take my cup out to the kitchen and put it into the sink.  Some unnatural urge makes me want to eavesdrop on his conversation.  Probably some tart.  Probably a booty call.  I fuss around, pretending to look for something in the cupboard, while all the time trying to tune my ears into what he’s saying.
    ‘Yeah, you’re right...I know....I’ll come see you soon...yeah, I miss you too...ok, love you.’
    Love you?  God, he really is a player if he’s telling them he loves them.  What a bastard.  I doubt Jazz has it all wrong and he’s actually got himself a girlfriend.  I can't imagine anyone wanting to spend more than an hour with him.  He looks up and catches me staring at him.  Shit.  I snap myself out of it and turn, quickly trying to leave the room. 
    ‘Ow!’ I yelp, banging my leg on the kitchen table.  Why can I never just make a dignified exit?
    ‘Are you ok?’ he laughs.
    ‘Yes, of course!’ I shriek unnaturally.  ‘I was just, um...’ 
    QUICKLY!  Think of something .
    ‘Eavesdropping?’ he accuses with a smug smile. 
    ‘No!’ I say far too quickly.  God, he’s so self-obsessed.  ‘But I couldn’t help over-hearing.  And you’re judging me for having a one night stand.  Going around telling every girl you meet that you love them, that's far worse!’  My voice is shrill, and I swallow, trying to get my normal voice back.
    ‘Sorry, but I thought you were just having a go at me for being judgemental?  Pot calling kettle if you ask me,’ he snorts.
    ‘Ha!  How bloody dare you!’  As soon as I say it I feel like I’ve over-reacted. 
    ‘Whatever.’  He rolls his eyes and stomps out of the room. 
    *                            *                            *
    Lilly greets me at my desk, dressed in a bright peach dress which makes her tan look amazing.  I wish I had natural fashion flare.  I once tried to wear a gorgeous black and white dress, but I spilled strawberry milkshake down it within half an hour.  I would normally gush over her outfit, telling her how pretty she looks, but today I hold back.  I’m still furious with her for yesterday.  I tense my face, looking as stern as possible. 
    ‘Hey, I love your dress,’ Lilly says admiringly, seeming to ignore my cold reception.
    ‘I’m not talking to you,’ I say stiffly, sounding like a child in the playground.
    ‘Oh please!’ she begs.  ‘I’m sorry.  It just got a bit out of hand.  I was just so scared you’d end up getting us both in trouble.  I mean really, I was kind of saving you?’
    I look up and her pathetic face wins me over.  Her large blue eyes seem to have a power over people. 
    ‘Ok.  I forgive you.’
    ‘Thank God,’ she says, as if the whole incident had been a massive inconvenience.
    ‘God, you’re annoying.’
    ‘Love you too Pops.’  She smiles and punches me on the shoulder.
    ‘What have you two crazy cats been up to?’ Cheryl asks from the next desk, her obnoxious condescending face making me want to immediately punch her. 
    ‘No, nothing for you to worry about,’ Lilly smiles politely.
    ‘Oooh, it must be interesting then.  I do love your little stories; they remind me of my single days before I settled down and got real.’
    ‘Well thanks for the advice,’ Lilly snaps, rolling her eyes at me.
    I quickly grab a post it and write on it ‘I HAD SEX LAST NIGHT!’
    ‘No!’ Lilly shouts, clapping her hands together.  Her bracelets jingle together, as if a bell is being rung.
    ‘What's going on?’ Cheryl asks. 
    I glare at Lilly, pleading with her not to say anything.
    ‘Oh, nothing.  I just broke a nail,’ she says, sucking her finger dramatically.  She smiles back at me, while giving me a warning look which I think translates as “you must tell me everything later”.
    ‘Poppy!  Ah, there you are,’ sighs Victor, coming out of his office, his normal olive skin

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