Falling for Mr. Darcy

Free Falling for Mr. Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory

Book: Falling for Mr. Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory Read Free Book Online
Authors: KaraLynne Mackrory
her on the windowsill. “So this is where you have been hiding, Lizzy. I have been looking for you since breakfast.”
    “I am sorry, Jane. Since I cannot yet walk as well as I would like because of my ankle, I could not disappear outside.” This was said with such a tone of frustration that her sister immediately felt pity for her.
    Coming to her side and placing her hand on her shoulder, she replied sweetly, “I am sorry, Lizzy. I know how much you dislike our cousin, but I think we must conclude he has some cleverness about him as he has singled you out.”
    Elizabeth laughed without humor. “Yes, I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Mama certainly hinted at you being spoken for already by your Mr. Bingley. I have begun to wish I had never deterred Mama from believing Mr. Darcy was interested in me. Our cousin might have then singled out Mary!”
    “He is not my Mr. Bingley, Lizzy,” Jane said shyly.
    Elizabeth smiled knowingly and patted her sister’s hand. Jane blushed and, seeking a change of subject, turned to her sister and said, “You did not tell me what Papa said to you in his library yesterday. Did he ask you about Mr. Darcy?”
    At the gentleman’s name, Elizabeth thought once more about the events of two days before. She still had not managed to figure out what her feelings were towards the man. She admitted to herself that she no longer felt offended by his comments at the assembly and was beginning to see his brooding stares in a different light than she had previously. She detected that he was a bit shy and reserved, but still she could not convince herself that he was not a good deal prideful as well. A tingle went down her spine whenever she considered the tenderness he showed her and the unexpected concern for her health. She was embarrassed that she had not considered him capable of such gentle regard as he had shown her most naturally that day. Their conversation during the ride back had surprised her with their compatibility on a number of subjects. She had only managed to conclude that she was much attracted to Mr. Darcy and wanted to know him better. With effort, Elizabeth directed her thoughts to the present and to answering Jane’s entreaty.
    “Yes, Papa was most curious as to the details of my morning.” Elizabeth chuckled to herself at the way her father tried to tease her about being in company with Mr. Darcy and riding his horse. She related to her sister their father’s laughing insinuation that Elizabeth had planned an assignation with the gentleman.
    “NO!” Jane gasped. “Lizzy, he could not think such a thing!”
    Elizabeth laughed and reassured her sister. “You are right, Jane. Papa did not think such a thing, but you know how he likes to tease. He was merely trying to stoke my ire by suggesting I had a secret tendre for Mr. Darcy and that we had met privately on purpose. It was the same silly suggestion Mama made, only I know Papa was trying to provoke me.” Elizabeth remembered that her father’s insinuation did raise her ire at the time, and she had most adamantly denied such scandalous ideas until she realized her father’s motivation was to tease her. He had wanted to provoke a reaction from her since he knew she would never behave so improperly as to meet a gentleman secretly. His desire in doing so was to see her response to the idea. When she realized his motive, she was disappointed in herself for blushing, thereby revealing her feelings. It was the very thing she did not want her father to know and the very thing he hoped his teasing would tell him. Elizabeth thought that her father appeared a bit disappointed at finding she had developed some feelings for Mr. Darcy, but he tried to hide it behind a strained smile. Elizabeth felt compassion for him as she knew he did not welcome the day she would marry and move away.
    The sisters were interrupted in their conversation by the high-pitched squeals of their mother, calling excitedly for Jane as she

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