Sworn to Protect

Free Sworn to Protect by DiAnn Mills

Book: Sworn to Protect by DiAnn Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: DiAnn Mills
markings of the Zeta gang. For the past two years, Mexican police had been working to bring an end to this highly organized drug gang. But now the open fighting had the White House’s attention and every Border Patrol agent on alert.
    The man, around eighteen years old, sneered at her and spat on Felipe’s uniform. “You’ll pay for this.”
    She curtailed her emotional restraint. “You got it wrong. You’ll be in jail for a long time.”
    He narrowed his gaze. “Contract is already out on you, lady. Big reward for pretty, blonde woman agent. Might have some fun first, huh?”
    Twice she’d heard this. The energy it took to keep calm would take its toll later. “From whom?”
    He laughed. “You’ll find out soon enough. Maybe from me. All the gangs know about you and the reward. You better keep looking over your shoulder.”
    Hours later, Danika pored over the police report from Toby’s killing for the hundredth time. His body had been found in a field near the Highway 281 checkpoint, an area noted for illegals attempting to slip by en route to Houston, San Antonio, or Austin. Agents knew to look for bodies when vultures swarmed the area—sometimes lack of water and food or exhaustion killed the illegal.
    But not Toby. He had a hole in his head from a 9 mm semiautomatic pistol—execution style—and no one knew why. She dealt with facts, and she didn’t have enough to lead her or the authorities to the killer.
* * *
    Jacob listened to the last snippet of sports on the late night news before reaching for the remote and powering off the TV. He’d checked on the kids during the last commercial, and they were asleep.
    “We need to talk,” he said.
    Barbara moved the newspaper from the front of her face and stared at him with a familiar frown. “What about?”
    “I’d rather have this discussion in our bedroom.”
    “Right here, Jacob. Right now.” Her voice started to escalate.
    “Hush. Do you want to wake the kids?”
    “They hear it all anyway. Why is this any different?”
    “Things are bad between us. Can’t we talk civilly like two adults?” Jacob reached over and snatched the paper from her hands.
    She started and her face reddened. “You could have asked before you grabbed the paper.” She sighed. “What do you suggest?”
    “My concern is for the children.”
    A tear slipped from her eye. Good, she needed remorse. “They worry about their parents fussing all of the time.”
    “Whose fault is that?” Jacob would not allow her to turn this around. He’d prepared for this discussion.
    Barbara stiffened. “Not all mine.”
    “They’re afraid of me.” He hadn’t thought he could get those words out, but in doing so, he’d found the strength to say what must be stated.
    “You are constantly criticizing them,” she said softly and leaned toward him. “You seldom play with them anymore or encourage them in their interests. Meeting with Father Cornell helped before. This time I’ll go with you. We can do this together.”
    Jacob clenched his fists. “The kids are afraid because you’re poisoning their minds against me.”
    Her eyes flared. “What are you talking about? I’ve never discredited you in front of our children. That’s insane.”
    “But true.” He lowered his voice and attempted to keep himself in control. “I’m warning you, Barb. If you value our family, do not turn my children against me.”
    She stood and faced him. Her lips quivered. “If you value our marriage, then you will seek help before you lose your whole family. Toby is gone. You can’t bring him back. And where are you spending your time when you aren’t at work?” She opened her mouth as if to say more, but instead she walked away and left him sitting in his favorite chair with regret ringing in his ears.
    Never had he known such frustration with Barbara. Like a splinter under his fingernail, the discontent needed to be yanked from his home.

Chapter 9
The truth does not change according to our

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