Loving Angel

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Book: Loving Angel by Carry Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carry Lowe
the look of ecstasy on his face when he came. That’s when I realized that I loved…him. I loved him. It was the most exhilarating and scary feeling in the entire world.
    I decided to spend some quality time with Mina while Tyga was away. She was taking the breakup with Boss real hard. Usually when she broke up with someone she would go drinking and partying with her best friend Shawnee until she either found a replacement or got over her heart ache. For some reason this time was different. She was spending all her time moping around the apartment; Sitting on the couch eating junk food and watching reality television. Shawnee and I tried encouraging her to go out and do stuff with us, but she just wanted to be left alone.
    I walked through the door of the apartment and did a double take at the sight of the person sitting on the couch in his boxers with his feet propped up on the coffee table while he smoked a blunt.
    “ What the fuck are you doing here?” I demanded.
    “ Your mom and I are back together,” Boss smirked. “Aren’t you happy?” He gave me a suggestive look and winked.
    “ OH hell to the nah!” I gave him a disgusted look that he found funny. So I gave him the finger and stormed off to Mina’s room to get some answers. She was sitting on her bed in a robe rubbing lotion on her legs.
    “ You took that loser back,” I accused.
    “ Yes,” she shrugged nonchalantly.
    “ Are you fucking serious!” I raged. “He’s a fucking liar with a baby mama, a harem full of bitches and who knows how many STDs.”
    “ I’m a grown woman Angel,” she snapped. “I can take care of myself. Plus you don’t have all the details to our situation.”
    “ Fuck the fucking details,” I yelled. “There is nothing in this world you can say to me that’s going to make me feel you should give that nigga another chance.”
    “ You didn’t tell her the good news.” Boss walked into the room smiling from ear to ear like the cat that ate the canary. “You’re going to be a big sister.”
    “ You got to be fucking kidding me,” I said in disbelief. That was the last thing I was expecting to hear. “Mina you’re gonna have this asshole’s baby?”
    “ You better learn to control that mouth of yours bitch,” he warned.
    “ If the shoe fits wear it,” I retorted.
    He started towards me with his hands balled into fists but Mina intercepted him. She placed a placating hand on his shoulder. “Give me a moment to talk to my daughter alone please.” She pleaded.
    He shot me the stink eye before leaving the room.
    “Please tell me you’re not gonna get back with this nigga just because you’re pregnant,” I begged her.
    “ What do you want me to do Angel,” she sighed. “I had to raise you by myself, or rather you raised yourself. I don’t want to go through that again.”
    “ You have me,” I responded, taking a seat on her bed. “You know I’m gonna be there for you. You ain’t gonna be alone this time.”
    “ I know I can count on you.” She sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “But you have your own life now and plus sometimes a woman just needs a man. I know you don’t agree, but I’d like if you would at least try to get along with him for me and the baby.”
    “ He’s not a man he’s a snake,” I quibbled. “And what about his other baby mama?”
    “ I’m not worried about her. He broke things off with her.”
    “ And you believe that?” I asked skeptically.
    “ Yes Angel. I forgave him for lying and we’re moving on from that now,” She said in a tone that suggested it was the end of that discussion.
    “ Well congrats on the baby.”
    “ Thanks,” she smiled.
    I knew she was lying to her damn self, but why should I expect anything different from her. The chick lived in her own world. She never listened when I told her he was coming on to me, even when he was

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