Wish on the Moon
you, we can't accept your
help." Laura was sure her father would feel the same way.
    Nora looked indecisive, but only for a
moment. "All right. But whatever you and Ray decide will be
    Laura patted the older woman's hand. "It's a
deal. But I'm going to disappear while you tell Mitch. Mandy and I
will go upstairs to call our friends in Ohio, then I'll read to her
for a while."
    Nora rose with a broad smile. "What time
would you like breakfast tomorrow?"
    Laura chuckled. "This is going to take
getting used to. I'll help you as much as I can."
    "If I'm getting paid, there's no need."
    Laura felt drawn to Nora. She'd always missed
the influence of an older woman in her life. "We'll work together.
You're not simply hired help. Okay?"
    Nora seemed pleased. "If that's what you
    Mitch was waiting for Laura as she descended
the steps. Her eyes landed on the stern line of his jaw. It was so
firm, masculine, unyielding. His strong neck and broad shoulders
formed similar uncompromising lines.
    He spoke before she reached the bottom step.
"You didn't have to agree to let her work here. I suggested she sit
with Mandy, not take on the care of everyone."
    Laura had guessed Nora's decision would meet
with Mitch's disapproval; his brooding eyes and tone proved it.
"No, I didn't have to agree, but your mother is the answer to a
prayer. Mandy likes her, so I won't feel so guilty when I'm at the
store. Besides, I think Nora needs to be needed."
    He rested his long fingered hand on the
finial-styled newel post and propped one loafer on the first step.
"Maybe you're rationalizing to get what you want."
    She stopped to confront the issue straight
on. "And maybe you can't see the forest for the trees. Retirement
doesn't agree with everyone."
    He aligned his gaze to hers. "I want my
mother to finally have the opportunity to rest and do what she
wants to do."
    "Right now, she wants to take care of us. I
won't let her overdo, Mitch." She gave him a sly smile and came
down another step. "And I'm sure you won't, either. We'll both be
under your close scrutiny."
    He seemed surprised his intentions were so
obvious. His foot dropped to the foyer floor. "I protect the people
I care about."
    For a moment she wanted to be one of those
people. She wanted to feel his protection, know she didn't have to
carry life's burdens alone, and could count on his strength to
support her. He had strength, not only physical strength but
strength of character. That was one of the qualities that attracted
her to him.
    "They have nothing to fear from me," she
assured him.
    "Time will tell." He mowed his hand through
his hair. "I don't know what Ray's going to say about my mother
being here."
    She was disappointed he was still suspicious
of her. "He'll be thankful it's Nora rather than a stranger
invading his house."
    Mitch thought about it. "You're probably
    The doorbell rang and Mitch said
automatically, "I'll get it."
    When he opened the door, she saw his back
stiffen and heard, "Carey. We didn't expect you until next
    Mitch's brother stepped inside and appraised
the foyer with obvious interest. His hair was dark brown, thick and
shaggy. It hung over his ears and across his collar. His brown eyes
gleamed with mischief and his smile had the ability to charm. His
jeans sported holes in the knees, the hightop sneakers were loosely
tied, his red and navy striped shirt was long and stuck out from
underneath his black leather jacket trimmed with silver buckles.
Laura knew Mitch would never be caught dead in an outfit like that,
let alone with the earring dangling from Carey's right ear.
    She descended the remaining steps. Carey eyed
her thoroughly. Mitch's mouth drew into a taut line. There was
something uncomfortable between the two brothers. She could feel
    Carey said to Mitch. "Introduce me to your
pretty friend."
    Laura crossed to Carey and extended her hand.
"No introductions are necessary. I'm Laura Sanders and you're
Mitch's brother

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