Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel

Free Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel by HJ Bellus

Book: Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel by HJ Bellus Read Free Book Online
Authors: HJ Bellus
over my chest, right above my heart, and I hear my granddad’s words again, encouraging me to find out the reasons Ella left. I could argue back with well over a dozen reasons not to, but something clicks in my mind. I’m going for her and not giving up this time.
    I race out of the shower, dry off, and throw on my riding clothes. Snagging the hot and very full coffee pot, I dash to Granddad’s porch where he’s sitting and begin speaking before he has a chance to. I feel Jake settle between my legs but don’t even take the time to pat his head.
    “You’re right.” I fill his empty black coffee mug and then sit down next to him. “I have to end this hate relationship I have for Ella and accept why she moved.”
    “You do.” He nods and takes a long sip from his mug.
    “I’m going to need you by my side. I’m afraid she’s going to shatter me again. Fuck. I’ve been shattered for years now.”
    “Maverik, I’d rather have a broken boy who can heal than a bitter bastard who’s going to waste away the rest of his life in hatred.”
    “I hear you. I do.” My hand finds the top of Jake’s head. “I just don’t think I can let her go if I give in.”
    “Then don’t let her go, dammit. We all make mistakes, son. Move on.”
    “Let’s go.” I look up to see my brother with my horse saddled and him atop his.
    “I’ll do it.” I brave a smile when I turn to Granddad and don’t miss his beaming face. “Thanks, old man. I’ll grab my coffee pot after dinner.”
    My boots are deafening as they pound the sidewalk down to the gravel road where my horse stands. With each step, I feel like a coward with the thoughts of what I’m about to let my heart do, but I know it’s the right thing. I fucking love Ella and looks like I have one chance to get her back in my life.
    “What was that all about?” Marvel tilts his head to one side.
    “Oh, just Granddad making me do the right thing.” I throw a foot up into a stirrup, grip onto the horn of my saddle, and settle down on the back of Chili. I smile knowing Marvel saddled up my favorite horse. He’s been around since my high school days and I used to calf rope and team rope off of him before saddle bronc became too addicting. Ella loved Chili.
    I kick him into a slow trot and realize every single thought that passes through my mind always goes back to Ella, even before she came home. Marvel keeps up by my side as we let our horses go at full gait to the back pasture. The crisp air, the sound of pounding hooves, and the smell of the ranch all calm each of my senses, causing me to breathe in deep and exhale.
    Merek and Challis’s happy faces flash before my eyes. I see my granddad rocking happily on his porch and Marvel working his fingers to the bone on the ranch he loves. Then I see me on the tailgate of my truck holding a cold beer and petting Jake. The scene immediately makes my stomach turn because it’s not the right ending for me and never has been.
    “There they are.” Marvel points over to a herd of black cattle.
    I follow behind him as he rides up to them. We begin gathering them up one by one and I watch and listen to old Jake work his heart up gathering the cattle. Several minutes go by before they group together and we begin trailing them back toward the barn and corrals.
    I’m going for her. I’m going for her. I chant over and over in my head as Chili trots behind the herd rhythmically, lulling me back into an Ella induced trance.

    M y bones crack and my muscles scream as I kick off my work boots. Marvel wasn’t joking around about double time. The four of us worked hard as nine or ten men today gathering cattle and continuing to train the colts. Two geldings are showing real promise to cause havoc on the race track and make Saint a whole shit ton of money.
    As tired as I am, I have one last thing I have to do tonight, and that’s go get my girl.


    M y eyes flutter to the back of my head, catching a glimpse of the orange

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