Can't Buy Love

Free Can't Buy Love by Jayne Rylon

Book: Can't Buy Love by Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon
Tags: Erótica
your hand off me or my hard-on will never come back to life.”
    “If that’s a problem, you’re definitely not commanding the same attention I do.” Rick leans down to kiss my cheek then returns to his post in the cramped space. This time he shoves his shirt up his abs and unfastens his pants.
    I lick my lips, craving another taste of him.
    “Over here, sweetheart.” Niels reminds me of my duty. The first time I’ve lost focus on a customer’s needs. I blush as I allow him to guide my hand to his shaft.
    “You’ve always enjoyed Bendt watching you fuck me.” I purr as I caress his respectable length. “I should charge you extra for a larger audience.”
    His full laughter booms through the loft. Until it morphs into a choke when I rotate my hand to cup his balls while I massage the base of his erection.
    “Toss me a couple condoms, Rick.” I can’t reach the drawer with his gorgeous frame in my way. “Lube too, please. They like to take me together.”
    “Jesus.” He removes the items from their drawers and sets them beside my hip without hesitation.
    “Don’t act like a saint, Ricky.” Bendt groans when I prep his shaft. “You know where the goodies are. You’ve used them too.”
    “Sure have.” Rick’s grin has a feral tinge when he attempts to smile through his arousal. “And loved every minute.”
    “Yes.” Niels grunts when I roll the latex over his cock, following behind with my mouth. “Not too much of that tonight. I want to fuck your pussy, Star.”
    Instead of teasing him or bringing him to the edge first, as I might with Rick, I indulge Niels’ requests. I roll onto my back and smile, welcoming him between my thighs. He’s warm and solid. The pressure of his body over mine makes me sigh.
    Both of these friends are easy customers. No major life drama, no odd hang-ups compel their visits. They like to fuck without promises and have things as they like. I can accommodate their tastes without much effort since I’ve learned their preferences over time.
    I wonder what Rick will think when I allow them to make me the filling in a decadent sandwich. I enjoy the men bracketing me as they slake their desires. I suspect he’ll revel in observing our abandon. There’s only one way to know for sure.
    I reach out, my hand searching beside my hip where Brendt kneels. I encircle his sheathed cock with my hand. He hisses when my fingers clench in response to Niels guiding his erection inside me from his place between my spread knees.
    He doesn’t get far before he lodges within me.
    Niels retreats, slathering his palm with a dollop of lube from the tube by his knee. He works two gelled fingers into my opening before situating himself inside me once more. A step Rick has never had to take. The pressure of Niels’ shaft stretching the swollen walls of my pussy elicits a soft moan just before he begins rocking, shuttling his erection in and out of me.
    “You’re so hot, Star.” He groans as he buries himself fully then withdraws until just the mushroomed head of his cock remains fitted to my core. The space between our bodies allows Rick and Brendt to watch my breasts jiggle in time to their friend’s thrusts.
    I can’t help myself. My gaze shifts to Rick. He’s fixated on the spectacle before him, his hand stroking his full length, squeezing the leaking head of his cock before gliding to the base again.
    If it were him riding me, he’d drop low and close, brushing our chests together, scooping me into his arms and relishing the moment we joined as tight as possible. I close my eyes and gasp when the image ignites my senses.
    “You like having him here.” It’s not a question. The tension in my pussy doesn’t lie and Niels can’t miss the graduating clench of my ringed muscles.
    No sweet, sultry kisses prevent me from responding. “God yes.”
    He pumps faster inside me as Brendt inches closer, thrusting into my hold.
    “Do you want me to suck you?” I ask, my question interrupted

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