running over her bo d y alrea d y .
Meeka glanced toward the sh o wer. There w ere no taps, no soap—nothing that looked fa m i liar to ho m e. With a puzzled fr o wn, she bit the bottom of her lip and looked back at Kerrigan.
H i s laugh caused her to snarl.
“I’m sor r y , precious, but that look j u st made my da y . The shower is m ag i c, of course. It will respond to y o u r voice. When y ou are read y , j u st sa y , ‘ shower on,’ or, ‘shower off.’”
“Didn’t y o u r parents teach y o u it w a sn’t nice to m ake fun of people ? ”
“Yes, they did, but I just couldn’t help it. You looked s o cute, vulnerable, and sexy all at the sa m e t i m e.” Kerrigan place his hands up in front of hi m , but she noticed the look he gave her. H i s e y es traveled from her head to her feet. “ I ’m sorr y ,” he said. “ I f y o u need a n y t h i ng, I’ll just be standing right outside the door.” P ro m p t l y , he closed the door behind h i m self.
Shocked, her heart racing, Meeka gaped after hi m .
Did I hear co r rectly? Did he say I was s exy? Yes, he said sexy.
Turning, she stared into the m irror at the plain wo m an staring back at her. She didn’t see a sexy w o m an.
W h a t does it matter? You won’t be here much longer, and he’ll be a m e mory. Accept the compliment, Meeka, and move on. Yo u r past will never let you have m o re.
She s hook her head rueful l y . With the absence of a toothbrush, she rubbed her teeth with her finger.
You’ll never get away from the s hadow of your delinquent parents. So why not be happy for now?
Perhaps because she was stuck in another world with a veritable A donis who probab l y w a sn’t real, and her skin was s hooting sparks, or s parkles, or w hatever.
I’d love to just pretend I had n o rmal parents and that a guy like Kerrigan would like me for just who I am.
D reamer!
Meeka scrubbed harder on her teeth. She’d definite l y have to ask for a toothbrush. She’d v o wed to herself long ago, falling in love would not be an option. E m o t ions opened a door to m ore hurt in her life, so m et h ing she wouldn’t do.
Meeka re m oved her clothing and neat l y folded the m , setting them on the vani t y . She turned to the full-length m irror, wearing j u st the pink, la c y bra and m a t ching panties. For so m e reason, s he didn’t seem to feel s o tall, a n y m o r e . Kerrigan w a s so m uch taller than her that she actual l y felt like an average height instead of too tall. She s m i l ed; this w a s definit el y a hap p y thought.
U nderga r m ents re m oved, Meeka stared at the shower.
Cautious l y , one foot at a t i m e, she stepped over the s m all ledge and into the large s hower.
Okay, I’ve made it this far.
She stood ready and stated the com m a nd, “ S hower on.”
Strea m s of luxurious l y warm water s hot out from various places within the s hower. It felt heaven l y . Moving on its own, lavender - scented s oap sensuo u s l y caressed and slid d o wn the length of her bod y . She struggled to catch it.
Her e y e s were fully closed, e n jo y i ng the sensations of the warm water, when with a j olt s he felt bristles across her back. Her e y es ful l y opened, and with a scream rising in her throat, s he s wiveled around and ca m e face - to-face with a…
A shower b rush?
Floating in m i d air, the brush looked so m ewhat like a rabbit. The bristles were whiskers, its m outh was open, and its ears were dispensing soap. It floated in the air, staring at her benign l y .
The startled s cre a m tore out of her m outh. She lunged to the side, t r y i ng to get aw a y from the thing, but tripped over the s m a l l ledge. Meeka prepared herself for a crash on the hard m ar b le floor, but sudden l y found herself cradled in two large a r m s, instead.
The room w a s s howered with blue and red s parks. Meeka s cr a m bled in Kerrigan’s ar m s, pointing to the shower. “ It, it…” her w ords