
Free Enchantment by Lawna Mackie

Book: Enchantment by Lawna Mackie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lawna Mackie
that a tad difficult to believe. So, here’s w hat w e’re going to do. We’re not going to call m e any of y o ur little pet names, and I'm not st a y i ng any longer than I have to. I'm j u st unluc k y enough to be in the wrong s pot at the w rong t i m e, and if that whatever - it - w a s hadn't startled m e, I wouldn't be here!”
    Meeka noticed his gaze had fallen to her bare s houlder. Self-conscious, she pulled her tattered s hirt back up over her shoulder.
    From the corner of her e y e , Meeka could see Catz’s tail s witching back and forth.
    W h a t made her so annoyed?
    Kerrigan looked down at her cat. “ It ’ s ok a y , p u s s y cat. I didn’t m ean a n y t h i ng b y it.” Meeka watched the pair.
    W h a t are they up to?
    She stepped forward. “ Y ou want to explain why y o u two think it’s okay to talk about m e? I 'm right here.” Her voice rose on a tide of anger.
    Like a starburst, a cascade of sparks fluttered down over her, dancing through the air. “What the ... ? ” She shrieked. Anger turned to fear. Each heartbeat brought m ore and m ore s parks, until th e y s wirled around her like a blizzard of colors.
    “Meeka, listen to m e. It’s ok a y . ” Catz voice penetra t ed the fog of fear surrounding her. “ It’s going to be oka y , I pro m ise.”
    Meeka tre m b l ed, u n stea d y on her feet. Catz w ove in and out between her legs, settling a s ort
    of calm over her. She whispered in a ti n y voice. “What w a s that ? ”
    “It was y o u, precious. I have a feeling this is just the beginning. Y our m a g ic is showing itself, and see m s to respond to y o ur e m otio n al state. You were ann o y e d with Catz and m e w hich caused the release of y o ur energ y . Your fear caused them to surround y o u in a protecti v e veil.”
    Meeka grabbed hold of Kerrigan’s arm for stabili t y , on l y to find herself s wept away by the pinpricks of elect r ic it y and heat spreading through her bo d y . Her e y e s locked on his, recognizing the want in his gaze. S he s hivered upon feeling the echo in her own bod y , and let get of h i m . N ow wasn’t the ti m e for attraction, no m a t ter how t e m pting he was.
    Catz s poke, breaking the spell. “Trust m e ; we're not going to let an y t h ing happen to y o u . We're here to guide y o u through this. Friends forever, re m e m b er.”
    He turned toward the door. “ C o m e — y ou both m ust be starving. Please, follow m e . ” Kerrigan took her ar m , his touch soothing her fra y ed nerves, and u shered her from the roo m .
    With Catz at her heels and Kerrigan close b y , Meeka felt the strength returning to her w obb l y knees. So m ehow, she felt at ease, a sense of calm washing over her. In silence, they walked down a long hallway that led direct l y to a very large open kitchen.
    Kerrigan directed her toward a chair, which she pro m p t l y sank into. I n side, her bo d y still w reaked havoc. S he needed a distraction from the tr e m bling in her li m bs and the quaking rolling in her sto m a ch. She focused on the ceiling. It w a s round like the bedroo m , but the colors of w hite and pink stre a m ed through as if it could be transparent. A fter ad j usting to the brightness, she realized it was a giant sk y l i ght, but the light c o m ing through w a s pink instead of blue. Nevertheless, the kitchen looked well equipped.
    * * * *
    Kerrigan couldn’t tear his e y e s away from her. He en j o y ed every facial expre s sion she m ade. He pointed at the do m e where the pink light shone bright l y .
    “We have seven suns and seven m oons, which actual l y gives us a different color sky each da y . As y ou can see, tod a y , the sky is pink. This ceiling is tinted a pale white to m ask the full color of the sk y . O utside, the s k y is glowing near l y fuchsia. To m orrow, it will be another color.”
    A s m i le pl a y e d across her face.
    “ M y m ot h er is a great cook, but I’m not too bad in the kitchen, m y s

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