mate, but every woman I met seemed scared of me.
Gladiator’s Prize
Their families too. It didn’t look good for my chances and I was already getting myself in trouble.”
“I can understand that,” she said. “You put on a pretty good show and they were probably young and silly. But I’m a grown woman, Darius, and I’m not scared of you.
I’m your mate, and whether you like it or not, we’re partners. That means we each get a vote.”
“Not when it comes to running the fleet, K’rilla,” he replied, his voice suddenly hard.
“You’re the admiral, I’m the engineer. I understand that. I’m not an idiot.”
“So I hear,” he replied, his voice losing some of its harsh edge. His face softened.
“Call me Saul. That’s my name, although nobody has the nerve to use it.”
She smiled at him, then said his name, rolling the sound around on her tongue.
K’rilla walked over to him, laying one hand across his uniformed chest. She tested the fabric, then cocked her head at him flirtatiously.
“I think I liked your gladiator togs a little better.”
He smiled back.
“I liked your dress better than the brig jumpsuit too,” he said. “Too bad we don’t have anything for you to change into. Your parents are sending a package and I’m sure it will include clothing. But until then, that’s really not the best color on you.”
She laughed.
“Do you want me to take it off?”
He gave her a hopeful look and K’rilla felt the same sense of power she’d had earlier. Saul wanted her, she could see it in his eyes—physical lust and emotional desire heady in its intensity. Of course, the attraction wasn’t only on his side. Just looking at him sent her heart rate upward. K’rilla slid her hand down his body, enjoying the hardness of his muscled form. Difficult to believe that he really, truly belonged to her 57
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and nobody else. Her hand trailed down his stomach, finding the stiffening length of his penis, and she gripped it through his clothing.
“Well, you’ll just have to wait a bit,” she said, rubbing him up and down, all but purring. “Because I want to try something else out first. I’ve read about this, you know…”
K’rilla slid slowly to her knees, reaching for the fastenings of his pants. They came open quickly enough and then she slid them down around his ankles. His erection stood proudly before her, ridged with veins, swollen red with his blood. The tip looked so smooth and silky that she couldn’t help but touch it, wondering at the texture. He shuddered as her fingers played across his flesh, the look on his face a mix of pleasure and near pain. It was every bit as soft as she’d imagined, such a contrast with the hardness that made up the rest of his body. She rubbed the back of her hand along the bottom of it, enjoying the soft sigh he gave at her touch. Then she reached down lower, ringing his girth with her fingers. Sliding them up and down experimentally, she saw a soft pearl of whitish fluid seep from his head.
K’rilla glanced up at Darius to check his expression, then leaned forward and caught that tiny drop on the tip of her tongue. He tasted salty and just a little bit sweet.
He reached down, threading his fingers through her hair, trying to pull her closer.
“I don’t think so,” she said, shrugging off his touch. “I’m calling the shots right now, Admiral Darius.”
He groaned, but obediently pulled his hands away. K’rilla savored that thrill of power and desire again, lust drifting through her as her nipples tightened with need.
She took her cue from them, reaching up to slowly open the front of her brig jumpsuit, freeing her breasts for his view. Then she cupped her mounds with her hands, teasing the nipples. His cock jumped and she laughed, enjoying herself immensely. Then she had an idea.
Gladiator’s Prize
Leaning up and forward, K’rilla let the tip of her breast brush against his swollen member. It