The Hidden (The Hidden Trilogy)

Free The Hidden (The Hidden Trilogy) by Kelley R. Martin

Book: The Hidden (The Hidden Trilogy) by Kelley R. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelley R. Martin
shiny, and nodded. His lips melded against me as flavor exploded across my tongue. He tasted sweet, with a little hint of tang.
    Our hands skimmed over exposed skin as we kissed, our tongues caressing one another as our bodies lay entwined. I was the one to break the kiss, my breathing shallow as my heart raced. He looked down at me in the dim light, and I smiled.
    “Now it’s my turn to taste you.” With lightning-fast speed, I flipped him over and straddled him, sinking my teeth into his neck and ripping off a huge chunk of bloody–
    The horrific image jerked me awake, and I gasped for air as my heart thundered. The sheets had tangled around my legs, and I was slick with sweat, my hair clinging to my face in wet clumps. My panties were soaked and my clit throbbed, like I’d just had a really good orgasm.
    “ What the fuck? ” I clutched my chest and tried to even out my breathing.
    What the hell was that? Clearly it had all been a dream–thank God –but it was an incredibly lucid one. It’d seemed so real, so vivid.
    I flipped my pillow to the side that wasn’t drenched and lay back down. It felt cool against my cheek, and I kicked off the remaining covers. A welcome breeze blew over my heated skin, and I rolled over, staring out my open window.

Chapter Thirteen
    Matt and I slowed as we neared his house in the woods. We’d taken a late night run after I’d had a tour of the new place. Apparently Matt and Mel would be staying for a while. I was not the least bit happy about this, but there was little I could do, short of packing up and leaving town.
    However, I didn’t like the thought of leaving Emily and never seeing her again. I at least wanted the chance to know the grown-up version of my one-time friend. 
    We reached Matt’s front porch, and he leaned against the railing. “You coming in?”
    I sat down on the porch swing and shook my head. “I think I’m gonna call it a night.”
    He nodded and reached for the door, only to have it opened for him by Cassandra, his twin sister. She stood in the doorway, looking back and forth between Matt and I, eyeing us like we were up to something. 
    Matt looked at me, then her, cocked an eyebrow and said, “Later,” as he stepped around her and shut the door behind him.
    Cass smiled as she sat next to me. “What was that about?”
    I shrugged. “Got me.” 
    She yawned and rested her head on my shoulder, her long brown hair tickling my arm. “What time is it?”
    I checked my phone. “A little past two.” She lifted her head and I took the opportunity to stand and stretch. “I’m gonna head out, so…”
    She stood. “Can you give me a ride home?”
    “Uh, yeah, sure.” I turned away and started walking to my car so she wouldn’t see my scowl.
    We drove a majority of the way in silence. I always felt uneasy being alone with Cassandra. Unrequited romantic feelings would do that.
    My headlights illuminated her dark single-story house as I put the car in park. 
    “Do you want to come inside?” she asked.
    “I don’t know…it’s late, and I’m kind of tired…” I looked away, hoping she’d get the message.
    “Come on, it’s not that late.” 
    I opened my mouth, trying to find some excuse, but she cut me off. 
    “Please?” she asked. “It’s been forever since we’ve spent any time together.”
    I felt like a dick because…well, because I was being a dick. I didn’t like avoiding Cassandra, but she kept trying to put the moves on me, no matter how many times I told her I wasn’t interested. 
    I sighed, trying not to make a sour face. “Fine, but I can’t stay long.”
    She led me into her house, into her immaculate living room. Decorated in earth tones, the furniture appeared brand new. As I sat down on her stiff brown sofa, she disappeared into the kitchen. 
    “Do you want a beer?” she called out.
    “No thanks, I’m fine.”
    “That’s right, I forgot you don’t like beer. How about something else? I’ve got

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