All Is Well: Heal Your Body With Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition
is a safe and friendly place. All is well.
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Chapter 5
It takes tWo
    The Second Emotional Center:
    Bladder, Reproductive Organs,
    Lower Back, and Hips
    The second emotional center is all about love and money. If
    you aren’t able to bring balance between these two areas of life,
    you will be prone to health problems of the bladder, reproductive
    organs, lower back, or hips. So the key to mastering health in this
    emotional center is learning how to manage your finances with-
    out sacrificing your love life and vice versa. Easy enough, right?
    Wrong. There are very few people who are naturally good at this,
    so let’s get started.
    Just as with all other emotional centers, the part of your body
    that is affected will depend on what type of thought pattern or be-
    havior is causing the imbalance in this area of your life. For second
    emotional center problems, we find four types of people: those
    who would rather focus on love than money, those who focus on
    money rather than love, those who have an unbridled drive to
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    A ll i s w e ll
    move forward in money and love, and those who can’t responsibly
    handle either love or money. We will get more specific as we work
    through the body parts, but in all cases it is important to listen to
    your body. Remember, your body is an intuitive machine, and it
    will alert you to problems in your emotional health by yelling out
    The negative thought patterns associated with the second
    emotional center involve anxiety, anger, or sadness about gender
    identity and sexuality, as well as relationship struggles and finan-
    cial concerns. This, of course, makes sense because when we leave
    the safety of our family (the first emotional center) and strike out
    on our own in the world, the first challenges we have to handle on
    our own are love and money, relationships and finances.
    So what is standing in the way of you making the critical
    changes in your finances and relationships to create better health?
    Are you holding on to anger at your partner? Do you always let
    other people handle your money? Are you irresponsible with your
    money? Do you feel stifled?
    These are just a few of the types of emotions and behaviors
    that lead to second emotional center health problems. If you can
    identify the thought patterns that underlie your health problem,
    you can begin to make the necessary emotional, behavioral, and
    physical changes to improve the health of your bladder, reproduc-
    tive organs, and lower back and hips. Identifying the root cause is
    the first step. The next step is to transform these negative thoughts
    and behaviors into new ways of thinking to create health.
    Second Emotional Center Affirmation
    Theory and Science
    As with all other illnesses, Louise’s affirmation theory looks
    at the emotional nuance behind the health problems in the sec-
    ond emotional center. For example, the health of the menstrual
    cycle as a whole and a woman’s capacity to be free of amenorrhea,
    dysmenorrhea, or fibroid tumors depends on whether or not she
    has a healthy sense of her femininity. Rejection of femininity is a
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    It Takes Two
    negative thought pattern associated with female problems in gen-
    eral. Sexual guilt and anger at a mate are associated with vaginitis
    and bladder infection.
    Alternatively, the prostate represents the masculine side of the
    principle. Sexual pressure and guilt, as well as a person’s attitudes
    about aging, are associated with prostate problems.
    Power struggles in relationships set the scene for sexually
    transmitted diseases. Whether it’s gonorrhea, herpes, or syphilis,
    beliefs that genitals are “sinful” or “dirty,” sexual guilt, and a feel-
    ing that you need to be punished are all thought patterns that
    are connected to venereal disease. A belief

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