charities and attending city and family events alike. To the world,
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A ll i s w e ll
including his family and friends, he is grounded and reliable—
a pillar of the community.
But inside, Carl is obsessive and rigid in his ways and he hates
change. As long as things stay within his control and he feels safe,
Carl is able to run a company and be there for his family, friends,
and community.
After years of being vigilantly in control, Carl started develop-
ing itchy rashes and scaliness on the skin found at the creases in
his joints. After a visit to the dermatologist, Carl was told that he
had a severe case of psoriasis.
While psoriasis is a skin condition, it often indicates a prob-
lem in the immune system, which can be associated with other
serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, de-
pression, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, skin cancer, and
lymphoma. Along with psoriasis, we often see an overproduction
of a protein called tumor necrosis factor (TNF) that causes cells to
grow too quickly. Why? No one knows for sure, but we wanted to
see to it that Carl had a good internal medicine doctor who would
maintain consistent evaluations of his heart, digestive tract, and
joints. So the first thing I requested was that Carl go to his physi-
cian for a baseline screening of each of these elements.
Next, Carl needed consistent skin treatments to relieve and
prevent itching. There are six types of treatments available: topical
skin creams; light therapy, a treatment in which skin is exposed to
UV light on a regular basis, slowing the growth of skin cells associ-
ated with the ailment; systemic oral medicines like cyclosporine,
methotrexate, and acitretin; injected IV medicine to block TNF
production; Chinese medicine; and nutritional treatment.
Carl had tried all the over-the-counter treatments for psori-
asis with no relief. Topical steroids helped some but eventually
the scaling came back with a vengeance. So we suggested that he
consider light therapy with a competent dermatologist. Carl also
was directed to an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist who gave
him gypsum, Imperatae, scrophulariae, paenae, rehmannia, Flos
japonica, Artemisia, and Forsythia, among other herbs. And a nu-
tritionist helped Carl identify which foods irritated his psoriasis—
oddly, tomatoes were one that did. Carl also began taking DHA.
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We Are Family
In addition, he started incorporating small bits of spontaneity
and controlled chaos into his life. And he worked to change his
thoughts with the affirmations for general skin health (I feel safe
to be me); general skin problems (I lovingly protect myself with
thoughts of joy and peace. The past is forgiven and forgotten. I am
free in this moment); rash (I lovingly protect myself with thoughts
of joy and peace. The past is forgiven and forgotten. I am free in
this moment. I feel safe to me be); and psoriasis (I am alive to the
joys of living. I deserve and accept the very best in life. I love and
approve of myself). With all the changes Carl had made, his skin
cleared up . . . and he was simply thrilled.
All Is Well in the First Emotional Center
You have the power to strengthen your immune and muscu-
loskeletal systems and heal skin disorders using medicine, intu-
ition, and affirmations. When you learn to recognize the negative
thoughts and behaviors underlying your physical problems and
heed the messages your body is sending you in the form of first
emotional center health issues, you can finally start to move to-
ward true healing.
Establishing new thought patterns using Louise’s affirmations
will give you the foundation and strength to change the behavior
patterns that add to first emotional center illnesses. You’ll learn to
balance your individual needs with those of family, friends, and
The world