Chasing the Sun

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Book: Chasing the Sun by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
hair and plaited it into two neat braids. Next she helped Marty with her stockings and pantalets.
    “Now get your dress and apron on,” Hannah instructed. She left Marty to check on Andy.
    Across the room, Andy was struggling to tuck his shirt into his trousers. Hannah gave him a hand. “Now get your boots on and go do your chores.”
    Andy looked up at her with a worried expression. “Is it safe now, Hannah?”
    She nodded. “Yes. You don’t need to be afraid.”
    “Can we go back down to the wash and see if that steer is still caught in the brambles?”
    Hannah had forgotten that she had yet to mete out Andy’s punishment for his disobedience. She looked at him with tender affection. “I’ll have Thomas and JD check it out. You are not to go down there again unless an adult is with you. Do you understand? Those washes are dangerous places. When the rains come they fill up fast. Night Bear nearly lost his life falling into one. Your disobedience almost cost you your life. Night Bear is a Comanche warrior. He didn’t know that you weren’t his enemy. Mr. Barnett said that he would have shot you had he not fallen from the horse.”
    “I’m sorry, Hannah. I know it was wrong. I promise I won’t do it again.”
    She knelt down beside him. “Andy, I believe you. But you will have extra chores each night after supper for two weeks as punishment. Now get going.”
    He nodded and hurried to secure his boots. Meanwhile, Hannah returned to Marty and helped her do up the buttons and secure her pinafore. The child was hopeless to keep anything clean and the apron was Hannah’s best hope for not having to wash clothes for the child on a daily basis.
    “Are we gonna sew today?” Marty asked.
    “Not today. We have laundry and if there’s time, baking. You are going to help me make a cake today, remember?”
    Marty’s face lit up in delight. “Are we having a party?”
    “Remember, it’s Diego’s birthday tomorrow. We are going to have a cake to celebrate.”
    The little girl clapped her hands. “I’m so happy. I love cake.”
    Hannah laughed. “I love it, too. Come on. Let’s get your shoes.”
    When they joined the others at the table, Hannah could feel Mr. Barnett’s gaze upon her, but she refused to acknowledge him. The memory of his harsh reprimands echoed in her mind, and she was still at a loss as to what they needed to do about his presence at the ranch.
    After grace was offered, however, William spoke up and let her know his plans. “I’ll have to go to Dallas one of these days to check on the situation with the ranch. If you would permit me to remain here, I’d be much obliged. I’m certain in time we can figure out the legalities of all of this.”
    “Perhaps if you start in Cedar Springs with Mr. Lockhart,” Hannah said, still not looking at the man, “you will get your answers. Mr. Lockhart is my father’s partner in law and real estate. They have a small office in town and I’m certain Mr. Lockhart can assist you in understanding the circumstances.” She didn’t know what to think about William’s request to remain at the ranch. Somehow that didn’t seem right, and yet it also seemed wrong to send him away.
    “I cannot have you stay in the house with the children and me. It wouldn’t be proper,” she said, working up the courage to face him. She met his gaze. “However, if you wish to remain here, then I suppose we could make provision for you in the bunkhouse.”
    She waited for some outburst, but instead William turned to Diego. “You boys wouldn’t mind having another bunkmate, would you?”
    Diego laughed. “Lots of room out there, Boss.”
    William turned back to Hannah. “It would appear the matter is settled. At least for now.”
    She felt a bit of a shiver go down her spine. Somehow she got the feeling that Mr. Barnett was about to change everything. With William Barnett in the middle of her family’s affairs, Hannah wasn’t at all sure she was any safer than she had

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