Chasing the Sun

Free Chasing the Sun by Tracie Peterson

Book: Chasing the Sun by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
think you’ve accomplished something miraculous here.”
    Hannah wasn’t about to let him know that she had been considering that possibility. “God knew what He was doing, Mr. Barnett.”
    “God did, yes. But you didn’t. You just walked out here like you were going to Sunday meeting and expected the entire world to see things your way. Too many people have tried to impose their will on others and have died because of it. You imposed your will and could have seen the death of your brother and sister. Their blood would have been on your hands.”
    For a moment Hannah actually considered slapping him. How dare this man come into their lives—a total stranger—and dictate to her how she should conduct herself. It hadn’t been her desire to meet the Comanche chief. She had simply felt compelled—driven, really—to do as she had. It was God’s direction, and Mr. William Barnett was not going to chide her for doing what God had clearly instructed her to do.
    “Mr. Barnett, I’m going to overlook your rudeness and mark it down to fear. I will, however, not be judged by you. God is my judge. He alone determines my steps, and if those steps lead me to stand before my enemy, then that is what I will do. Perhaps it’s what I am doing now.”
    She sidestepped him and headed for the house. Her heart was a mix of anger and accomplishment. All of her life men had dictated her directions. Her father, although kinder prior to her stepmother’s death, had commanded his family much as a general with an army. When he’d made it clear that Hannah would take care of her siblings, he allowed no room for contradiction or protest. Standing up to William Barnett not only felt good, it felt right. Hannah had defended her choice to follow God’s direction rather than man’s, and it made her feel liberated.
    Inside the house, Hannah found Juanita and the children. Andy and Marty ran to her and wrapped themselves around Hannah as if they were drowning.
    “We thought the Comanche got you,” Andy declared. “I’m so glad you’re safe.”
    “Did they shoot you with an arrow?” Marty asked, pulling back.
    “No. The chief was quite nice to me. He was glad we had taken good care of his son. Because we showed mercy, he showed mercy to us.”
    “God be praised,” Juanita said, hugging Pepita close. “Did they leave?”
    The woman seemed to search Hannah’s face for any unspoken truth. Hannah nodded and hoped her words would put the woman at ease. “The chief is called He Who Walks in Darkness. He is the father of the boy we cared for. He took his son and they left with the other warriors. He agreed to be at peace with us.”
    Juanita let out a heavy breath. “I am so glad. Oh, Miss Hannah, we all were so afraid. Why you go out there?”
    Unwilling to be reprimanded again, Hannah straightened and looked at the foursome. “I felt God telling me to go. I was only trying to be obedient to God. The Bible says in Romans eight, ‘If God be for us, who can be against us?’ I believe that God surrounded me with angels of protection.” She looked at the clock. “But for now, we need to get you fed and start your studies.”
    “Pepita and I will get the breakfast, Miss Hannah.” Juanita and her daughter headed toward the kitchen.
    Hannah looked at her brother and sister and thought again of how close they’d all come to dying. But what should she do now? They had at least a temporary reprieve from Night Bear’s people, but did that mean other bands would leave them alone, as well?
    “Let’s get you two dressed and ready for the day. Come on.” She ushered them back up to the loft, where a pitcher of water awaited them. The loft was arranged quite simply. There were three small beds, two chests for clothes, and a small dresser where Hannah kept her things. Walking to the dresser, Hannah picked up her brush.
    “Sit here while I arrange your hair,” she told her sister. Marty sat obediently while Hannah combed out her long blond

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