Seize me From Darkness (Pierced Hearts Book 4)

Free Seize me From Darkness (Pierced Hearts Book 4) by Cari Silverwood

Book: Seize me From Darkness (Pierced Hearts Book 4) by Cari Silverwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cari Silverwood
been wimps compared to him. He dwarfed them in height and muscle but also in something I’d always run a mile from – that me, Tarzan, you, Jane attitude.
    I tried to shake loose his hold on my mouth but he only narrowed his eyes. “What are you thinking?”
    “Nothing.” That I’d been right to run from men like this.
    He scared me. Yet something about how he held my face was so personal that whenever I relaxed the slightest I felt my sense of danger slipping away. And that was dangerous in itself. I resisted.
    “ Ja , the things I would do to you, meisie ,” he murmured. “’Meisie’ means girl, in case you wonder.”
    I squirmed, the teensiest amount.
    It wasn’t the Afrikaans word for girl that was making me wonder. He’d already done more than was sane. What else did he want to do to me?
    This wasn’t just Gregor’s game anymore.
    My nipples were rubbing on his chest sending crazy, hot signals to my sex. The ache between my legs intensified, intermingling with the throb from the whip marks. The aftermath of the pain was...distracting. Strangely sexual.
    I wrenched my mind back on track and prayed he had no idea how his punishment was affecting me. Scary Tarzan, remember?
    One of his fingers played with the corner of my mouth. “Ready?”
    L ips parted, I breathed slower, entranced by his eyes.
    T hen I heaved in a deeper breath and was reminded of the creaking tightness of the leather. My fingers could barely wriggle in the mittens at the ends of the sleeves.
    A little panic reached in and blotted out my thoughts.
    “Pleeease, let me –”
    After a single shake of his head, he wormed the blindfold into my mouth and tied it on. “No. No. Be good.”
    He kissed my forehead then began to wind the whip around my breasts in a figure of eight pattern, linking it at the sides with the straps of the jacket, tying it all together in a neat pattern. Knotting it. “Pretty.”
    T hen he went to one knee, took a firm grasp of my breast, and licked me.
    “ Uh.” I could still talk in a gargle, just not well. My eyelids fluttered down. That tongue of his... For all of one second, I wanted him to stop.
    The pressure on my breasts made them feel odd, like they’d pop any minute. Supersensitive, achy, but so nice when he sucked there. I shouldn’t succumb to this. I didn’t want to like this man touching me. Self-preservation drove me to wrench myself backward.
    Only to be brought up short by the ropes at my shoulders and his tightening grip.
    “ Be still!”
    The growl in his voice then his teeth applied to my nipple had my mouth slackening. I froze, shivering, all too aware of how much I was at his mercy. I was nude except for the straitjacket, my legs were tied apart, and the gag between my lips tasted bitter.
    Where had the real world gone? I wanted to curl up on my sofa before my TV.
    Wherever it was, I was here , tied up so tight he could use me every which way and I could do nothing. He turned his fierce gaze on me, still with his teeth fastened on my nipple and dangerously close to biting it off.
    “Umm.” I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say, but nothing would come out intelligible anyway.
    For the first time I saw humor in the crinkles about his eyes. His other hand had drifted from my back to my stomach and I felt his finger toy with my belly button, circling it.
    “Now I’m getting somewhere. I have you quiet.”
    He released my ankles from the bar. Was Pieter letting me go after all? But he wrapped his hands around my thighs and with his tongue played games with my poor abused clit. He was gentle. I lost count of many times he circled it without touching, blew air over it, tapped it without engulfing it. The bastard. Need grew. I wouldn’t cave in to this. But the pressure of lust built. Giving in was inevitable. I gasped out a choked fuck through the gag, jerking at the last infinitesimal licks he’d done. A feather would have more pressure. God.
    T hen I pressed forward onto his

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