Hot for Teacher

Free Hot for Teacher by Dominique Adair

Book: Hot for Teacher by Dominique Adair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dominique Adair
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
Jane licked her lips. All of the hair had been removed from his groin giving it a slightly exotic look to her eyes. She’d heard of this practice but she’d never seen it up close and to speak.
    “Why do you remove the hair?”
    “Does it bother you?” he asked.
    “No.” When he moved closer, she reached for him. His skin was hot and perfectly smooth beneath her hands. Gently she stroked him and a pearl of seminal fluid appeared at the tip. “You asked me if my lovers satisfy me and my answer was yes.” Running her thumb over the head of his cock, she stroked the ultra-sensitive underside. “I will ask the same question of you. Who satisfies you and brings your fantasies to life?”
    His expression became guarded and the immediate change was startling. One moment he watched her with a mixture of lust and amusement and the next, they could’ve been talking about stock futures.
    “In fulfilling a woman, I achieve my own fantasy.” His words were stiff.
    “I don’t believe that.” She gently pulsed her hand around his cock forcing his gaze to meet hers. “Do you have a lover?”
    “Several,” he gritted.
    “Only women?”
    Heat flashed in his eyes and she smiled. Archer, for all of his mythic abilities, was pretty easy to read. Her question disturbed him but he was enjoying her hand on his cock too much to tell her to piss off.
    He enjoyed men as well? Now that was hot.
    Leaning forward, she swirled her tongue over the head making him groan. “Do you have a preference for one over the other?”
    His hands fisted by his sides. “No.”
    Raking her nails over his balls, she was rewarded with a moan. So he liked that did he? When she repeated the gesture his legs began to shake.
    “When you’re alone in bed in the middle of the night, what has you reaching for your beautiful cock?” Tightening her grip, she began to stoke him with firm, slow movements. The head was slowly turning to a darker shade of brown and pre-come leaked from the narrow slit.
    “What are you doing to me, Jane Porter?” His hands landed on her shoulders, his fingers digging into her flesh.
    Her brow rose, and she shot his cock a pointed glance. “If you can’t figure that out on your own then I’m doing something wrong.”
    He yanked her to her feet and shook her. Her breath caught when she realized how far gone he was. If she’d thought him to be angry before, now he was enraged. His hand fisted over the delicate lace of her bra and he tore it from her body. Her protest was cut in half when his mouth came down over hers. The pressure was bruising and he would give her no quarter.
    Hands tore at her clothing, pinching her flesh until she was alternating between a paralyzing fear and painful arousal. Finally he broke the kiss as one hand moved to her throat. Archer pushed her down on the couch then straddled her hips. Leaning forward, his grip tightened on her throat.
    “I’ll ask you one more time, Jane. What are you doing to me?”

Chapter Eight
    I’m going to make you beg.
    Staring into his tortured gaze, she bore witness to the pain in their depths. Something was eating this man alive from the inside out. She didn’t know what it was, but it was stealing pieces of his soul until soon there would be none left. No matter what he did or how hard he tried, nothing would ever fill the darkness that was eating through him like a cancer.
    Jane relaxed beneath him, her gaze held his. Confusion was followed by panic before his grip loosened on her throat. Horror flashed over his face and he started to move away, but she’d have none of that. Twisting, she slammed him into the back of the couch then under. Bracing her legs on either side of his, she pinned him down with her body.
    “Tell me, Archer, what gets you off?”
    Stretching, she bit his throat hard. He froze, and his muscles turned to stone. His breathing was fast, and she felt his overwhelming need for the basic

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