enough. “I know so.”
“I can run for hours.”
I shrugged. “So can he.”
“I’m not going to get into this with you.”
I wanted to groan. She was giving up this fast? For real? My dad did a better job at withstanding my games than she did. “What? That Mason’s better than you at running?” She was going to leave, but I blocked her. “Why don’t the two of you throw down? I’d like to see that.”
She pushed past me. “I’m not going to race, either of you.”
“Scared?” It was a hunch, but I threw it out anyway. When she froze, I knew I was right. This was another string to pluck. It seemed like she was scared of everything that was living.
“We didn’t have it great, Logan, but can you imagine growing up with that bitch as a mom?’ Mason had told me earlier in the week. ‘I’m surprised the girl’s still alive. She’s strong inside.”
I hadn’t believed him.
He shook his head at me then. My eyes narrowed now. I didn’t see it, but maybe... Mason read people better than me. She turned around, heated, and I noticed it now. Fuck. Why was Mason always right?
She demanded, “What did you say?”
“You heard me. I think you’re scared.” I saw she wasn’t, not about everything.
“Come again?”
This game got fun again. She had stood up to me, and now she was challenging me. I said it anyway, “I think you’re scared of losing.”
“I wouldn’t lose.”
I moved so I was close, breathing down on her. The girl stood her ground. Again. Oh yes, I was really starting to like this girl. “I think you’re scared of everything.”
A primal look flashed in her eyes and she shoved me back. “I’m not afraid of anything.”
I laughed. “Whatever you tell yourself at night.” I could see through her. Mason showed me a window into her and I tested the boundary. She came back snarling at me. She was scared, but he was right. There was more in her. A lot more.
“I mean it.”
My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was my reminder to get to the school. “See you, sister. Have a good one tonight.” I left the door open behind me. As I headed down the hallways, I listened if she would do anything, say anything, maybe even cry. Nothing. There was complete silence.
I paused at the stairs before heading down.
Goddamn. Mason was right. This girl was intriguing.
Sam’s mom was a mess. My lip curled up, but I fought from rolling my eyes. Give me a break. She was wasted. Half of her red dress hung off her shoulder, but she didn’t even notice. Her hair was sticking up. I didn’t care much for feminine etiquette or dress code, but I knew she wasn’t fitting the bill for what my dad liked.
Then she opened her mouth and more craziness came out. She wasn’t making sense; some of it was about a fight with our dad and the other was about Sam’s dad? Then the door opened and Nate nudged me with his elbow. He didn’t have to. We all knew who was coming in. I gave him a slight head shake in response, and shifted back on my feet. It was show-time. Whatever confrontation that needed to happen was going to happen tonight.
Analise swung her head around and narrowed her eyes.
I fought against laughing. She couldn’t even see straight anymore and slurred every other word. “Thanks. You’re bacb.”
Sam stiffened. She was standing behind me. I tried to shift so Anabitch couldn’t see her, but Sam wasn’t picking up on my intention. She moved over and her mouth fell open an inch.
“Housse your daddy?”
“He was fine.”
Logan looked at me. I knew what he was thinking; this was going to get ugly. Fuck that. I’d had enough of seeing Sam’s mom hand her a new one. I gave him a small nod and he nodded back. It was time we did something. Then we both glanced at Nate who was frowning at the mess. Logan snapped his fingers. It was a slight movement and quiet enough that the females didn’t pick it up; however, Nate heard it, and his head whipped
Stella Price, Audra Price, S.A. Price, Audra