Crossover: Franchise Mtg.

Free Crossover: Franchise Mtg. by Tijan

Book: Crossover: Franchise Mtg. by Tijan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tijan
the nice guy I am to you, and I've got no problem getting panties to drop.”
    He had more to say. My eyes narrowed to slits and anger had started in me. This guy was a dick. He expected things. I'd seen it so many damn times and I hated these guys, every single time I saw one show himself. They expected things when they were nice.
    Sensing my anger, Drunk Girl lifted her head from my chest and frowned at me.
    My jaw firmed. She expected things too. Guy or girl, I hated people like that. They did something nice and had strings attached. When they pulled on those strings and their expected prize wasn't attached, they got angry.
    My hand jerked beside me. I'd seen enough adults like him, like the girl in front of me, to know how they'd be when they grew up. They'd ruin lives. Shit. They'd ruin their kids' lives. That's what they'd do, just like my fucking parents.
    Then the dick spat out, “You're just some high class bitch that ain't high class, Sam.”
    I'd been holding back. I couldn't anymore. Sam might've been able to handle him fine, even though she was the idiot who dated him in the first place, but I was growing tired of holding myself back. I started to move the girl in front of me to the side, but Sam was talking to him again. She flashed me a warning. Fine. I held back, but I wasn't going to wait for long.
    “I know that you've been cheating on me. Even my mother knew.”
    “That makes you look like a fool.”
    “Maybe. Or maybe I didn't give a crap.” She lifted her chin in a challenge.
    As she did, I felt a flare of pride. I saw those balls of steel come out again. Maybe… Then her ex-moron spilled the beans. He'd been fucking one of her friends. She moved back as if he had slapped her.
    He kept going, “I'd be up here with her now if she wasn't so obsessed with Kade. Ever since the car bombing, it's all either of them talk about. I told her to get straight. The Kade brothers are going down. They set fire to those cars. The cops have to know—”
    The girl in front of me looked up. He was talking about me. He was done. He just didn't know it. I started forward again, then Sam yelled at him, “Shut up. You don't know a thing about it. I was there. I was outside, so you don't know anything. Jessica and Lydia were inside. They didn't see a thing. They were wasted that night.”
    I should've stepped in and set the guy straight. I didn't. I couldn't look away from Sam. She looked ready to collapse on her feet, but there was fire in the depths of her eyes. She was defying him. She lifted her eyes to me and the challenge was there for me at the same time. She wasn't just dealing with him. Her message was to me too.
    She wasn't normal. I had thought it before, but I knew it for sure. Sam wasn't like the rest. She was different. And at that thought, I frowned. An emotion bubbled to the surface, one I didn't recognize or like.
    Then she slapped him. She delivered a last look at me after she did it and then she stalked away.
    “Well, then,” the girl murmured in front of me, giggling. “That's not messy at all.”
    Her ex whirled around and his eyes widened.
    I narrowed mine at him and shook my head. “Your girl, right there, just saved your ass from getting a beat down.”
    He tried to puff up his chest, but he couldn't. Instead, he eyed me with caution. His face was already red from her slap.
    I grunted. Good boy. He kept quiet. “You're an asshole and an idiot. You just cheated on the one girl that's not like the others.”
    He grew thoughtful, but he knew what I meant. There was one girl that all the guys wanted, one girl that wasn't like the rest, and one girl that every guy could search a lifetime for. That was Samantha. I knew it now and so did he. As he continued to watch me, I shook my head and smirked at him.
    He knew that I knew it was too late. He'd never get her back, not when I knew too.
    He flushed, reading my thoughts, and I laughed at him before I went downstairs. The girl followed me. Logan was

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