Fool's Gold

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Book: Fool's Gold by Jenna Byrnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Byrnes
Tags: Erótica, Contemporary, Adult, glbt
tongue still buried. She worked her fingers into Mel’s pussy and pumped them in and out, flicking her clit as she moved.
    “Oh lord!” Mel gasped as her orgasm hit full force, sending shudders through her body.
    It ended quickly, but she could tell it wasn’t really over. Each nerve ending was on high alert, ready for whatever new sensation her lover had to offer.
    Addie moved forward, allowing her breasts to swing against Mel’s back. Her fingers, slick with natural lubrication, worked their way into her anus one at a time. “So hot and tight.” She pushed them past the knuckle, pulled back then added a third.
    Mel thrust her ass backwards into the hand. The reaming felt fabulous, and she remained on the precipice of another climax. The next one would blow her mind, she could tell already.
    “That’s it, baby. Fuck my fingers.” Addie pressed in and out, allowing her pinky to drag across Mel’s pussy. She leaned forward, smashing her breasts into Mel’s back and nipping her shoulder blade.
    Mel shattered. Her body quivered and shook with sensations hitting her from all directions. This orgasm didn’t want to end and kept her shuddering and panting for precious, long moments. Ripples of delight sparked through her, sending Mel into orbit before dragging her back to reality.

    When she could finally speak, a hoarse, “Oh my god,” was all she could manage.
    “That was nice.” Addie eased her fingers out and cleaned up quickly with a towel from the nightstand.
    Mel rolled onto her back and watched the gorgeous brunette’s every move. “Get back over here. I need kisses. Lots and lots of kisses.”
    Crawling on top, Addie wrapped Mel in her arms, and they settled into the bed. “I can do that.” She nibbled Mel’s bottom lip with her teeth then kissed her hungrily.
    Mel saw deep-seated desire in her lover’s eyes. A thrill ran down her spine from knowing that look was for her—because of her. She was experiencing a heavy case of lust, herself. Now she had Addie in her arms, she never wanted to let her go.
    They wrapped their legs around each other, compressing their pussies together.
    Holding one another tightly, they rolled on the bed, sharing long, wet kisses. Mel was in heaven.
    She felt the urgency in Addie’s body as it ground into hers. Mel was sated, Addie wasn’t yet. She’d take care of that. She dragged her mouth away long enough to murmur,
    “Your turn. I’m going to make you come like you never have before.”
    “I want that more than anything.” Addie replied, squashing their mouths together for one last, soul-wrenching kiss.
    “On your back, my beauty.” Mel pressed Addie onto the bed. She positioned herself in front of the lovely round breasts that had been tempting her. “Mmm, I’ve wanted to taste these forever.” She drew one nipple into her mouth.
    “Yeah, oh yeah!” Addie caught the back of Mel’s head in her hand and urged her on.
    When the nipple was moist and cone-shaped, Mel switched sides, rolling the first between her thumb and forefinger.
    Addie jerked at her touch, yet a moment later was sighing small moans of pleasure. Her hips bucked higher and higher off the bed in anticipation.
    Mel squeezed the luscious tits one last time before sliding down between Addie’s legs.
    A trickle of nectar glistened on one thigh, and she lapped it up eagerly. It was musky yet delightfully sweet, and Mel knew, at that moment, she craved more. Another taste, another hour, another week, whatever she could get.

    Parting the fine hair at the apex, Mel dove in first with her tongue, then her whole mouth. The taste, along with the sensual way Addie writhed beneath her, was almost enough to make her come again. But it was Addie’s time, and Mel wanted it to be perfect for her.
    She dipped a finger into the drenched pussy and thrust it in and out while nibbling Addie’s engorged clit. She could tell by the way her lover squirmed that she was close, and kept up her

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