Fool's Gold

Free Fool's Gold by Jenna Byrnes

Book: Fool's Gold by Jenna Byrnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Byrnes
Tags: Erótica, Contemporary, Adult, glbt
the bed on her side.
    “Ah, no fair. I lost my towel. Your turn.”
    Mel smiled, letting the fluffy cotton fall away.
    “Damn.” The look on Addie’s face was one of pure lust. “You’re hot, girl. Get over here, now.” She patted the mattress.
    Mel moved to the side of the bed and lowered herself slowly. She remembered her ponytail and dragged the elastic band from her hair.
    Reaching up, Addie ran a hand through Mel’s dark tresses before letting it travel lower.
    She cupped one cheek gently. “You’re so beautiful. I almost can’t believe you’re here.”
    “Why would you say that?” Mel turned her face into the hand. “You’re absolutely gorgeous. I’m the one in disbelief.”

    Addie grinned. “Then we’ve got a mutual admiration society. Come closer, so I can admire you some more.”
    Mel lay next to her and inhaled as Addie’s hands began to explore.
    With a light touch, the seductive woman teased every inch of skin she could reach.
    Fingertips barely met flesh as Addie moved deliberately, avoiding the usual erogenous zones. Her lips took the same journey, and Mel groaned.
    “Feel good?” Addie whispered.
    “That’s putting it mildly.” Mel writhed on the bed.
    Addie continued her exploration, leaving no spot untouched. When she’d kissed a trail down Mel’s legs and back up again, she paused at the apex, allowing the tension to build and then settled in. With the lightest of contact, she spread Mel’s nether lips and blew warm breath on them. “Beautiful,” she murmured.
    “Touch me.” Mel could barely stand the torment. Every nerve ending tingled from the feathery caresses, and her loins felt like they might explode. “Please.”
    Addie chuckled and dragged her tongue along the tender flesh. She used long, languorous strokes over Mel’s folds and clit. The sensations were arousing and maddening at the same time.
    “You’re evil,” Mel whispered, her body twitching wantonly with desire.
    “Yep.” Addie grasped each of Mel’s thighs firmly and spread them wide. “But I can be nice, too. Just wanted to make sure you were ready.”
    “I’m ready!” Mel gasped at the strong grip. Addie’s touch wasn’t gentle anymore. It was aggressive, insistent, as if the woman knew what she wanted and was determined to take it. Mel couldn’t think of anything better.
    Addie drove her tongue into Mel’s pussy and forced it deep. Pulling back, she lapped at the flesh, not gingerly as before. Her movements were purposeful, determined.
    “Oh, yeah!” Mel’s insides tumbled as the first quivering of an orgasm niggled at her. In one way, she wanted to prolong the glorious sensations, yet in another, she couldn’t wait to feel the release. She allowed the waves of pleasure to wash over her, sweeping her into a climax so sweet she wanted to cry.
    “Mmm,” Addie worked her fingers in and out of Mel’s pussy. “So nice,” she murmured, lips still pressed against flesh.

    “Better than nice,” Mel agreed. “Not sure I’ve ever felt this good.”
    “Well, I’m not finished, yet. So hang on, sweet thing.” Addie leaned back and grabbed Mel’s legs, forcing her to roll on to her stomach. She repositioned the legs wide apart, and got back in between them.
    Mel felt hands kneading her ass cheeks and spreading them apart. She buried her face in her pillow, anxious for whatever her new lover had in mind.
    “You’re beautiful from this angle, too.” Addie bit one of the fleshy cheeks just hard enough for Mel to feel it. She dragged her tongue down the crease of Mel’s butt and circled her anus. Addie paused. “Is this okay?”
    “Whatever you want to do.” Mel turned her head to speak then buried her face again.
    She’d never been opposed to a little anal play, though her last girlfriend hadn’t enjoyed it.
    She inhaled as Addie’s tongue drove into the tight hole, and she squeezed her pillow tight.
    Her next climax was going to be soon—and intense.
    “Mmm,” Addie murmured,

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