Never Submit! The Swarii Brides, Book One

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Book: Never Submit! The Swarii Brides, Book One by Korey Mae Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Korey Mae Johnson
keep back her obviously stone-hard nipples. “I hate you.” She growled when his mouth released hers, and started to kiss along her neck.
    “And you’re a brat,” he rasped. “ Stubborn ! Foul-mouthed ! Whiny !” He might have had more descriptors, but he was too busy suckling one of her little, pink nipples which he had broken free from its lacy confines. “…And covered with too many god damned layers !” he continued, his hands shaking as his hands fumbled about to pull off her utility belt.
    She wasn’t the type of girl who would normally allow herself to lose her virginity in the middle of a dank, poorly-lit prison cell with four spectators trying to ignore what was going on –with little success—just on the other side of the room. But she didn’t care right now. All she cared about was Graham and the heat rising from her loins. Something told her that if he could only bring her to release, if he would only release inside of her, then everything would be normal again. Everything would be alright…
    Suddenly, there was the sound of the door opening. She heard it, even though it was apparent that Graham didn’t, because he was two seconds away from ripping her belt in half. It was her gasping that stopped the movement, and Thorton coming to get in Peyton’s way.
    Peyton had seen what was happening through the small window on the cell’s door, and was now marching towards them with purpose. Graham turned his body around to shield her after Thorton was thrown literally aside; obviously not expecting Peyton to be anywhere near as strong as he was. “Peyton, wait . Chill out!” she squeaked, trying to rearrange herself, but quickly noticing that her shirt’s buttons were everywhere but on her shirt.
    Graham growled , exposing his teeth which, she had never noticed before, actually had some sharp K9s. Wow. They were alien! Peyton obviously wasn’t intimidated, however, and marched up to Graham as if he merely presented a much-desired challenge, despite Graham, unlike Thorton, being larger than Peyton by over half of a foot.
    “Graham! Peyton! Don’t!” She jutted in front of Graham, pushing her arms against Peyton’s chest. “Shh! Just don’t. I’m done here, we can go .”
    It looked like the two men were going to launch themselves at each other, but Graham’s men quickly came along and pushed Graham safely back just as he stepped forward to attack. A Swarii gently pushed Ellie in Peyton’s direction and then put up his hands, as if to show that he had no quarrel, and that there was no need to inform anybody about anything that was going on.
    Peyton took off his coat and tossed it violently to Ellie. “Put that on,” he said in a low growl—she knew he’d probably be barking at her if he wasn’t afraid to make the guards get off of their chairs and come investigate. “You and I are going to have a long discussion.”
    She would have gulped, but her mouth was too dry. Mostly, she was embarrassed—and was becoming more and more so as she put on Peyton’s thin overcoat obediently over her exposed skin—shame had returned, and it wasn’t pretty.
    “You’re not gonna touch her,” Graham growled from behind his men, still trying to claw his way past them. “She’s mine .”
    “She’s mine ,” assured Peyton, his dark blue eyes were piercing. “I’m prime. You’re chopped liver. I see her down here again; I will bring your world to a quicker close. Ellie,” he grabbed her hand and yanked her towards the door, “let’s go .”
    * * *
    It wasn’t much of a discussion. It was more like a begging ceremony, where Ellie tried her best to keep Peyton from taking the skin off her after he dragged her by the scruff of the neck of the coat he’d lent her to the gardens to snap a fresh switch. She’d never been switched before, but she still had bruises from earlier, and thus, she didn’t really want to find out what the combination would be like.
    “Now, Peyton, if you just

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