Soul Mates Kiss
appeared to be his mother holding her
in the back of a yellow cab, and the tense look on the face of the
taxi driver. The child was obviously in pain and needed to be in
the hospital immediately.
    Lola did not hesitate. Her hand moved, her index
finger flicking in the air.
    Suddenly, the problem traffic light was
functioning once more. Another flick and the child slumped, asleep.
Her mother became further agitated, but it was okay. Her child
would not feel the pain of an obviously dislocated shoulder if she
was sound asleep. They would get to the hospital without her having
to suffer.
    She allowed herself a small smile before sliding
the window back up.
    Traffic resumed very quickly after that.
    Now, she thought, I just might make it in time after all.
    When they reached the restaurant, her driver
pulled up directly in front of the doors and helped her out of the
    "Thanks, William. I'll let you know when I'm
ready to leave."
    "You did well helping that child, ma'am,"
William said with his usual kind smile.
    Lola felt herself blush. William was a Magickal.
He was one of the stipulations in the "other" contract signed by
her parents when they divorced - that servants who worked closely
with taking care of her would be trusted Magickals. The nanny who
took care of her as she grew up was one, too. Martha was now
retired and living with her granddaughters in an island in Greece
and she usually got tagged to the pictures of them swimming in the
beach in Facebook.
    "Err, that was just... we were going to be late.
I mean we're already late..." She blushed more at his knowing look.
William knew how hard she tried sometimes to curtail her use of
magick. She chose to live the life of a human. It's the principle
of the thing. But- "But she was hurting!"
    "Ma'am, you're going to be more late. I will
come back when you tell me." He tipped his hat to her in agreement
and he was off.
    She sighed as she turned toward the restaurant.
She knew those Magickal who knew of her did not really believe she
could stay living her life as a human. But that was the thing - she
loved living like a human. She did not need all that Magickal
politics. She did not need to learn magical calisthenics. She's
doing fine on her own.
    Sometimes, she could hear whispers that she was
a better Magickal than ordinary Magickals over there, in islands
and other places inhabited by them. That felt weird and it made her
feel uneasy.
    It must be because of her mother's genes. Like,
in the real world, there were those who has higher I.Q. - which was
her point. In the real world, those with lower I.Q. have skills and
talents that made them better than the "intelligent" ones. To each
his own. She could not believe she could be better than other
Magickals. That would fall on closer observation.
    And hell would freeze over before she let
herself be observed.
    Lola walked up to the entrance of the
restaurant. She did not recall having eaten there previously. The
outside was elegant and modern, the interiors looked intimate and
homey, and the smells emanating from the place were delicious. She
could see through the windows that almost all the tables were
    So how come she had never heard of this
restaurant until now?
    It didn't seem to be a family-oriented place
though, since there were no children in sight. The patrons that
were already seated and eating their dinner had their faces up and
turned towards... her?
    She was bemused. They all seem to be looking at
her, watching her.
    The hostess escorted her to where her table was
located. They entered a hallway and they stopped in front of one of
the private dining- room doors.
    As soon as the hostess opened the door, Lola
immediately recognized her dinner companion.
    "Mom!" she exclaimed.
    Her mother gave her a welcoming smile. "Hello,
    Sable, as beautiful as a swan gathering herself
up to fly, stood up from her seat. She smiled at her daughter as
she kissed her. Then they hugged each other and Lola couldn't

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