Star Force: Sav (SF51)

Free Star Force: Sav (SF51) by Aer-ki Jyr

Book: Star Force: Sav (SF51) by Aer-ki Jyr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aer-ki Jyr
you already, just uncalibrated . After that you’ll
have to physically train for greater speed, but the first step is getting
yourself back in alignment. You’re off balance and while you’ve leveled up
considerably you’re still fighting sloppy.”
    “Do you have any drill suggestions for calibration?”
Bo asked.
    Wilson walked a step to his left and grabbed a
datachip. He input it into a slot on the console and had a new hologram pop up
alongside the fight with Vermaire, which was playing continuously and on a
loop. It was 8 minutes long and Wilson didn’t want to have to reload it every
time he rewatched it, with him going through it blow
by blow for several hours previously.
    When it came to a certain section of the fight he
paused, rewinded , and replay a specific series of
blocks Bo had made and set it into its own mini-loop. Wilson went on to point
out the small errors and the drills he had constructed to counter them, then proceeded through the entire fight in a similar
manner…switching over to footage of some of Bo’s training drills at the end and
offering a few upgrades there as well.
    After he was finished he had a question for Paul.
    “How close are you to finding the next trigger?”
    “Battlemeld is the only reliable one, but I thought we
were close to nailing Pren until he went Sav. He was doing the same training
the rest of us had done to trigger it, and I’m at a loss as to what happened. I
thought we were starting to get a handle on it but now I’m not so sure.”
    “Tell me how this individual compares. I know he isn’t
nearly as advanced, but from what you’d learned prior to Bo’s ascension how
close do you think he is?” Wilson asked, grabbing another datachip and bringing
up the biotelemetry data that Paul could almost see in his sleep by now, he’d
gone through so many of them.
    He gave it a quick look then glanced at Bo, having a
silent conversation.
    “Close,” Paul said, mildly impressed. “All the major
skill areas are weak, but the internal alignment looks favorable. Who is this?”
    “Not an Archon,” Wilson answered vaguely. “Is it worth
your time to train with them, or would they be too much of a stretch?”
    Paul didn’t know if this was a test or a request, so
he just took the question at face value. “I’m curious as to how he got to this
position. He’s so stacked towards what we thought was a Pren trigger that even
if he didn’t get it quickly I think we could learn something from the attempt.
And the closer we get to the triggers the better. What division is he?”
    “ Gotta be commando,” Bo
said, looking at the stats. “No one else does that much physical
augmentation…and he’s too short to be a Knight.”
    Paul shook his head, taking to the guessing game they
seemed to be playing. “No, he’s missing several commando traits. Could be an
oddball, but my gut says no.”
    “Then what?” Bo asked.
    Paul hesitated, then went ahead and said it. “This
can’t be true, but the only connection I can make is this being a quitter,” he
said, referencing the handful of Archons that had turned in their badass card
and went civilian. “One making a comeback?”
    Paul looked at Wilson, but the taller man shook his
head. “No, but I’ll thank you for the compliment. You’re looking at my
    Bo let out an exasperated sigh. “Should
have known.”
    Paul glanced at the numbers again. “Have you been
trying to get to Pren?”
    “Yes. There’s only so much I can help you guys with if
I don’t experience these things for myself. I can’t be a backseat driver and do
much good.”
    “Your past history says otherwise,” Bo added, “but I
get what you mean.”
    “Do you have time to join us?” Paul asked.
    “Do you have time to train here while there’s a war
going on?” Wilson countered. “I’ll make time, if you think it’s worth yours?”
    “I’m too curious to say no regardless,” Paul said with
a smirk and extended his

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