couldn’t even gasp. My body stiffened, my power sliding to the surface. What was she going to do to him?
    Once again her voice filled the chamber as she circled him. “For misconduct and failing to act in the interest of your nation, I strip you of your titles, your lands, and your power.”
    I couldn’t hide my emotions any longer. Fear climbed up my face as I leaned forward, but Zach’s arm pressed me back into my seat.
    The horrible woman stopped in front of Heath and raised her blade to his cheek. In a horribly slow motion, she slid the knife down his jaw line, drawing a bright line of blood.
    “What is she doing?” I hissed, ready to light her up.
    Zach shushed me. “It is nothing more than a flesh wound. Hold your tongue.”
    My heart thudded against my ribs. I couldn’t let her do this. I had to stop this.
    My scream died in my throat as a hard hand clamped onto my shoulder and a deep voice whispered into my ear. “If you care at all for Heath you will control yourself.”
    I clenched my teeth together and balled my fists. When I looked up again, Queen Rachel stood at Heath’s back. She picked up his braid, and in one quick motion sliced through it, severing it at his nape.
    Before I could react, I was yanked from my chair and whirled around. I gazed into coal black eyes, wondering for not the first time why they looked so familiar. Then everything went dark.
    I woke to the bright light of morning. It had been so long since I’d seen daylight my eyes refused to stay open. My arms and legs might as well have been glued to the mattress for how much I could get them to move. Nothing seemed wrong with me, really. I just felt heavy, like I’d been asleep for a really long time.
    “Good morning, sunshine,” said a familiar voice.
    My eyes popped open, and I scanned the room until I found her. “Lacey?”
    She smirked at me. “Expecting someone else?”
    I smiled at her, but I wasn’t feeling it. There was a good chance I’d never feel happy again. When she continued to stare at me I realized I hadn’t answered her. “Uh, I don’t know, but certainly not you. I was beginning to think you’d pissed someone off and gotten yourself shipped off to the dark realms, or worse.” I’d secretly wished for just that not so long ago. I’d wanted to see her so badly, to make sure she was okay.
    She frowned at me. “Yeah, well, when I heard you were here, I insisted on seeing you. Some dickhead guard finally brought me in here. The minute I was through the door he locked me in.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Seems like I’ve been waiting for you to wake up for hours. Any longer, I would have poured that trencher right over your head.”
    I sat up too fast, and dizziness made the room spin. “Well here’s to waking up dry,” I said, smiling for real this time. “It’s so good to see you.” I stifled a yawn. “Just give me a minute to get my head on right.”
    She leaned against the bedpost and threw out her hand. “Sure thing. Take your time. It’s not like I’ve got anything better to do.”
    The intense glow in the room contrasted against her dark skin, which only highlighted how tall she really was. All things considered she looked pretty good, although seeing her in a yellow ball-gown brought a chuckle out of me. My eyes traveled down to her slippered toes and back up.
    She made a face. “Not you too.”
    I lifted myself onto my elbows. “Too?”
    Her feet shifted uncomfortably. “Saw Roger a few days ago. He wouldn’t let me live it down. Made such a fuss about how great I looked in a dress, but I could tell he didn’t like it.”
    The tiny hairs on my neck rose in anticipation. There was a good chance he would know where Travis was. “Roger’s here?”
    She shrugged. “Hard to say. Since I refused to play the fae courting game, they’ve kept me pretty much locked up. Not very different than the Order if you ask me.”
    I nodded. “How long have you been here?”
    Her hand

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