The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld

Free The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld by K. N. Lee, Ann Wicker Page B

Book: The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld by K. N. Lee, Ann Wicker Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. N. Lee, Ann Wicker
The bullets clinked against her blade and sizzled into dust at contact. Her movements were fluid.
    Koa was as loose as a rag doll, and no one could touch her. Every time they tried to grab her, she would swirl out of their reach and dive to another vamp. Their hands tried to hold her, and it was as if she was as slippery as a marble, they hadn’t a chance, when Koa was in her trance.
    There was so much blood that in the end, Koa was drenched in it. When all was quiet she came to a stop and held her sword up. The red glow of the sword bathed the room in its dim light. There were bodies everywhere. Arms, legs and heads were sprawled about in a big mushy pile.
    Koa nodded in satisfaction. She was surprised that she had killed them without suffering any serious wounds. Her arms were sore and she had a cut on her calf, but other than that, she felt fine. Her father had trained her in the ways of the sword. He had taught her well.
    Koa felt her heart skip a beat when Bund reappeared before her. Her other hand slid a stake from a holster attached to her back. She threw it at him before he could even blink.
    The stake lodged right into his heart and she grinned triumphantly. Koa would have cheered, but to her surprise, Bund grinned as well.
    He looked down at the stake and his shoulders bounced lightly with his snickering. At first he laughed lightly, and then it became louder and louder until his laughter filled the room. “You stupid, stupid girl.” He laughed even louder.
    Koa gasped and covered her ears. His voice seemed to be everywhere. It filled her ears and made her shiver. His voice seemed to grate on her eardrums. There was something purely evil within it. Something she’d never encountered.
    “What?” Koa breathed in disbelief as he pulled the stake from his chest.
    Bund shook his head with a smile spread across his face. He tossed the stake to the floor and took a look around. “Nice job, you’ve done here lass.” He clapped and took a step forward.
    Koa sucked in a breath and held her sword out in front of her, hoping it would stop him. She was confused. A stake to the heart always worked. At least, she thought it did. Her only hope was that her sword would work.
    Bund made a clicking sound with his tongue. “Sorry, Lyrinian blades only work on the dirty nephilim.”
    Koa knew he was reading her mind. All she could think was, what are you then ?
    Koa heard something. She stepped back and looked around with wide eyes as the carnage around her started to…move. She clutched her sword.
    “Holy shit,” she breathed as the pieces of bone started to reform. She looked at Bund with wide eyes. “What’s happening?” She started backing away. She jumped when a hand reached for her shoe. She yelped and kicked the bloody thing away, sending it crashing into a wall.
    She looked back at Bund. Her face was twisted in worry. This was not how she imagined this night going. This was not how she imagined she’d take out her revenge. Bund blocked the door. Koa hoped there was another exit.
    Bund looked around and held his arms out. He lifted a brow. “Don’t tell me this was ya first time killin Netherworld vamps?”
    Koa gulped. The bodies were reforming into grotesque creatures. The crunching sounds and squishing noises turned her stomach. She couldn’t bring herself to speak. The fear clutched her even tighter than before.
    When she looked back at Bund, his face had darkened. Red lines stretched across his face like pulsating red veins. His smile was gone. His face looked different, as if all the shadows in the room had absorbed into his flesh, turning it into an ash-like gray. His hair had already been dark before, but it seemed to become even darker, and shinier like gloss had been applied.
    “What are you?”
    His shoulders jutted out and she could see his bones mutate.
    Koa knew then, that she was about to die.
    Bunds voice

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