Dream Lover

Free Dream Lover by Kristina Wright (ed)

Book: Dream Lover by Kristina Wright (ed) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Wright (ed)
finger. “You take it seriously.”
    “Mmm. Let’s hope I take it seriously enough to make this rain happen,” she said, spinning around to kiss him. David sucked at her mouth for a sweet second, then let his lips slide from hers and stood looking at her, not moving despite the loud thrum of their hearts as they stood chest to chest, the hardness of his cock pressing into her stomach.
    “You mean that?” The usual flippancy was gone from his tone.
    Her fingers found the length of his ponytail and she wound it around her fingers. She nodded. “Yeah, I do. Will you help me do this?”
    He stared at her a moment more, probably trying to decide if he believed her or not. The room was hot and muggy from the bloated atmosphere. Sweat trickled down the valley between her breasts and though unbuttoned, her shirt stuck to her skin like cling wrap.
    “I mean it, David. I’m not bullshitting you.”
    He nodded. “Okay. Okay...” He moved his hands up to
cup her breasts through the protection of shirt and bra, and he breathed out heavily. His gaze dropped from her face to the curve of her cleavage. “Shit, I’ve missed you like this.”
    He hooked his fingers inside the cups of her bra and peeled them back like the rind of an orange so that the globes of her breasts spilled over the satin edges, erect nipples brushing his fingers, sending jolts of sensation down between her legs. She didn’t have to ask. David knew what she liked; knew how to capture each of her taut nipples between his tongue and the roof of his mouth and toy with them, suck them like hard candy. Faith moaned and gripped the waist of his jeans to keep her balance. She was melting in her own jeans. These fucking clothes. She needed to get them off.
    “Stop!” Crap, that had been louder than she meant it to be. Never mind it was only her grandmother in the house, Linda Jade had the ears of a wolf. But then her grandmother had to know what they were doing. Hell, she’d brought him here on purpose.
    “Jesus!” She stumbled back as David released her, and she went to work on his belt, undoing the big, embossed buckle and sliding the straps back so she could unzip his pants. “This is insane. Fucking insane.”
    He laughed and shrugged, reached to help her untangle his cock from boxers and jeans.
    “Love it,” he said.
    His hands tousled her hair, slow and careful because she was on her knees now, pulling his balls free too so she could cup her fingers around them and roll them as she worked her tongue down the length of his cock. His strong, male scent filled her nose, his curly hair brushing her cheeks and chin as she licked and sucked his length, now smooth, now ridged with veins pulsing with blood under her tongue.

    His cock jerked and trembled in her mouth, his precum on her tongue sharp and salty as he moaned and bucked his hips to drive himself into her throat. Her body responded to David’s taste and smell, rising as the familiar, wild pleasure filled her pussy. Was this even what she was supposed to do? Did her dream-guide see what she was doing? And did he approve?
    Slowly she pulled back and looked up at David. His eyes were closed, lips pulled back from his teeth as he breathed hard and rough, fighting the urge to come. Faith lifted her hands and peeled her sticky shirt away, then her bra. Getting to her feet as David opened his eyes to look at her, she unzipped her jeans. She pushed them down to her ankles. Only a pair of rose-pink silk panties remained, soaked and tucked into her crevice by his caresses.
    If the spirits did see her, and if this was right…then was it enough? She could see the answer in David’s eyes as he watched her move her hand between her legs. Don’t question, Faith. Don’t think.
    She caressed her clit, feeling the pert nub of flesh through the slippery material, loving the sensation it created inside her: wet, fearless, defiant. Powerful.
    “Fuck me,” she told David.
    He didn’t say a word. He yanked the

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