Hot in the City 2: Sin City

Free Hot in the City 2: Sin City by Lacey Alexander

Book: Hot in the City 2: Sin City by Lacey Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Alexander
thought again how incredible it was to have three perfect mouths pleasuring her body, then she tipped over the edge.
    Deep, rough waves of satiation rolled through her as she cried out, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” with each one. “Oh! Oh! God! Yes!” She’d never come so intensely.
    Her three lovers each continued working at their tasks until she went completely still beneath their mouths, then they finally released her spent flesh.
    She opened her eyes to see Marc smiling up at her as he dropped a soft kiss just below her belly button. “How was that, baby?” His hands slid up to cup the outer curves of her breasts.
    She hoped he saw the deep heat swimming in her eyes. “You have no idea.” Still recovering from the climax of a lifetime, she let her head fall back as she laughed, and murmured, “So, so good.”
    Her eyes were shut, but she felt Marc place another kiss on her stomach. “Mmm.” And without quite thinking about it, she reached out to either side of her until she was curling her hands around Dan’s and Craig’s cocks.
    “Unh…” Craig moaned next to her.
    “Oh, baby,” Dan muttered.
    She opened her eyes and flashed a sexy, playful smile at her three companions. “It was so good that I feel I must show my gratitude.”
    Craig let out a deep, excited laugh as she began sliding her fists firmly up and down the two pleasantly hard shafts.
    “Damn, sweetheart,” Marc crooned, still caressing her breasts, his chin resting on her abdomen, “I keep thinking you can’t get me any more excited, but…”
    “Then you don’t mind if I make your friends feel good?” she asked with a sinful little grin.
    “It’s arousing the hell out of me.”
    “I want to arouse you even more.”
    At that, Diana released the two nice-sized cocks from her grip and got to her knees on the floor, positioning herself between Dan’s legs. Smiling up at him, but mainly thinking of Marc’s eyes on her, she closed her hand around the base of his shaft, then lowered her mouth onto his cock.
    The taste of pre-come met her tongue, sweet and gooey, making her hungry for more. She went as far down on him as she could without straining herself. With Marc, she had strained and stretched and worked to relax her throat so she could take him in deeper—because there was so much to take in and because she wanted so profoundly to pleasure him—but with Dan and Craig she only planned to go as far as what came naturally.
    “Oh baby, that’s very nice,” Dan whispered. She hoped desperately that Marc was watching her mouth slide up and down this shaft just as it had on his a little while ago. She liked the way Dan’s hard-on filled her mouth, but she’d loved the way Marc’s had. It had made her want to suck him dry, but she’d resisted in order to keep him hot and ready for more.
    When she felt hands on her breasts, at first she didn’t know whether they belonged to Marc or Craig, which excited her. Looking slightly to the right, though, she spotted Craig down on the floor with her, reaching under her to play with her dangling nipples.
    That meant the hands currently caressing her hips and ass belonged to Marc—mmm, yes. She did her best to thrust her pussy out toward him, and he rewarded her by stroking it.
    Beneath her, Craig fondled her, pinching her nipples, and behind her—oh God! Marc had just inserted a finger into her hot little hole. He moved it in and out in time with her ministrations to Dan, then inserted another, maybe a third—she couldn’t tell.
    She fucked Marc’s fingers, releasing needy whimpers, and when that ceased, giving way to a light, rustling sound, she glanced over her shoulder to see him rolling on a condom. Finally, his hands molded to both her hips, his glorious cock poised to enter her aching pussy.
    She pushed against the thick pressure and it sank in, warm, deep, in one long slow stroke that demonstrated for her just how ready she was. “Unh!” she cried around Dan’s width. Normally, she

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