
Free Cursefell by C.V. Dreesman

Book: Cursefell by C.V. Dreesman Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.V. Dreesman
walk.  The porch light could have finally burnt itself out.
     I debated all this to myself as I stood beside her car.  The heat from the engine radiated through the car's hood.  It had recently been running.  I was sure she had to be home, and yet it all seemed so still inside.  How silly I am being, I scolded myself, just go see.  Resolving to go inside my home, I reasoned that I was probably overhyped by the kiss or the assertions Galead had made before we parted.  Besides, my leg was still faintly throbbing.  It might be that I had overdone it with all the walking and I didn't want it to seize up outside or anything for everyone to see.  I just wanted to get inside and soak it for a good long time in our oversized claw foot tub.  Maybe throw in some soothing bubbles.
     As soon as I walked in I knew it was a mistake.
     The smell of burnt oil and incense was overwhelming me.  It clogged my nose and even stuck to the back of my throat in an immediate assault on my senses.  And underlying it, the odor of salt and sea.  Pushing back the fear that threatened to send me running right back out, I edged along the wall in quest of the light switch.  Nearing the spot I knew I should find it, I stumbled over a hard wooden obstacle.  When my fingers probed it they came away pricked and scratched on what used to be a chair's smooth edge, now jagged and dangerous.  I bit back a curse as the air stirred only a few feet behind me.
     "Come out, come out wherever you are.  No?  Well then, I should say welcome home at least, shouldn't I, Nathera.  Or do you prefer Thera?  It's such a cute nickname."
     It was a young woman's mocking voice that spoke from the shadows.  The high pitched words floated softly through the dark despite their cool tone.
     "Who are you?  What do you want?"
     A halting, deep throated laugh echoed throughout our home.  A muffled voice was followed by the hollow tap formed from footfalls over wooden floors.  The muffled, desperately straining voice sounded like my mother.
     "You're not doing it right, dear.  That is two questions in one.  If I were a Djinn you would be denied your wishes and take my place inside a lamp.  Lucky for you I'm not," the woman taunted.  "I am your long lost cousin.  I've come to fetch you home."
     Sarcasm dripped from each word.  No attempt was made to conceal the menace carried in that voice.  Pacing footsteps followed her as she spoke.  By the sound of it, she was drawing closer.
     "I invited this woman who calls herself your mother to join us, but as for that, she has refused."
     "If you hurt her," I said, visions of my father suddenly flashing before my vision.  I had lost one, I would not lose the other.
     "Please spare us your threats." Us, I thought, and my heart dropped.  "Just agree to come with us without causing trouble so we can get this over with."
     "You are a liar.  I don't have a cousin.  Show yourself!"
     It was bold.  Possibly foolish.  But I couldn't fight what I could not see.  Doing all I could in the stillness, awaiting her response, my hand swept over a sharp shard of splinted wood.  Too short to reach the spot I gauged the light switch to be, it could serve as a weapon however.  It could hurt them enough to give me a chance to run for help.  If they didn't have my mother.  If she wasn't worse than hurt.  Biting down hard on my lip, I managed not to scream out the fear so freely flowing within me.
     "I think that would not be advisable, dear cousin.  Reveal yourself, Nathera.  Your true self if you please." I had no idea what she meant, so I kept kneeling and silent.  "No?  Perhaps your mother spoke the truth.  Very well."
  I heard someone moving through the darkness on my left.  The kitchen.  There were some big knives in there.  I tensed, ready to defend myself if they came at me.  The soft click

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