High Intensity

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Book: High Intensity by Dara Joy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dara Joy
Tags: Romance
what inferences can we attach to the data we do obtain? Many students of parapsychology believe that we cannot measure these things using standard experimental techniques."
    "That makes sense," Zanita agreed.
    "I have to disagree." Tyber contradicted his wife, earning him a glare and—he was sure—a cold patch in the bed that night.
    "Why is that, Dr. Evans?"
    "Because the laws of physics must be valid in all realms to be valid in any realm. And because we are experiencing this phenomenon in this realm of being. Therefore, the same laws of cause and effect must apply to the frames of reference, namely the observer, and the apparition in question within the spatial coordinates of our plane."
    "Excellently put, Doctor." Hubble nodded concisely once.
    "Not necessarily, Tyber. There have been many case studies where an apparition appeared but not everyone present observed it. If what you say is true, how do you explain that?"
    "If this was a physical manifestation, and by that I mean an entity capable of reflecting light, then all those capable of seeing it would see it. Period."
    "Unless the apparition is selectively choosing who sees it and who doesn't," Zanita put in.
    "Exactly!" Calendula readily agreed. "That is one reason we think it is so difficult to photograph a spirit. It aligns itself to certain psychic energies."
    A small groan escaped Tyber's lips. "The physics," he muttered mournfully.
    "The physics must be wrong." Zanita raised her brow at her husband.
    Tyber's brows lowered. "I don't think so, baby."
    "Or…" Blooey suddenly spoke, surprising every one. "A new theory is needed to explain these quantum states!"
    Everyone gaped at the little pirate. Occasionally, the old Arthur Bloomberg came shining through in spades.
    "Quantum states, Blooey?" Tyber barked as he leaned toward him.
    Blooey rubbed his bristly chin. "Aye. Might be from such an alternate state, don't ya think, Captain? Depending on the subatomic levels, perhaps. In which case the physics to explain the phenomenon would fit neatly with the physics we already know…
    Tyber's eyes squinted. "Anything is possible. But then so is a Unified Field Theory, and we have yet to see it raise its eventful head."
    Blooey guffawed. "They're waiting for you, Captain, hey?"
    Tyber grinned.
    A sudden loud clanging from the other room made everyone jump.
    Blooey spoke in a hushed whisper. "There 'tis now, I'll wager… dragging itself about the house like some misbegotten beastie." Clearly all traces of the old Arthur Bloomberg were gone.
    They all were utterly silent until the strange noises stopped.
    "D-does that happen often, Todd?" Zanita's face was slightly pale from the experience.
    "Very often."
    "How creepy."
    "Damn, did anyone think to record that?" Calendula snapped her fingers.
    "I did." Tyber pulled a small recorder out of his pocket and replayed the sounds in all their laggardly, rumbling glory.
    He clicked off the player. "All this proves is that these sounds did occur. In no way does it prove a paranormal event… unless a wave analysis shows differently, which I doubt."
    "That is right, Doctor." Hubble walked over to the sideboard and poured himself a hefty glass of Todd's finest cognac.
    "But what else could be causing them?" Zanita wondered.
    "Any number of things, baby."
    "Doctor, may I ask what else you brought for experimental equipment?" Hubble sat down with his drink and nonchalantly pulled out a pipe. He lit the bowl, puffing small clouds of smoke into the air. The blend was not the most aromatic Zanita had sniffed.
    "Just this small tape recorder, some night vision scopes, and a Possineg 55."
    "A Possineg 55?" Zanita had never heard of it.
    Calendulas brows rose. "I'm impressed, Tyber. A Possineg 55 is a professional photographer's instant camera. It takes black-and-white positives. Impossible to tamper with."
    Zanita glanced her husband's way. She was always impressed by him, but when he surprised her with some little brilliance

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