Seduced by Crimson
    "Draig-Uisge. Call me by my druid—"
    "Fine. Drag-Shoer, untie these damn ropes now!" She had to stay strong. To take back control.
    "Draig-Uisge," he repeated clearly. "And not yet. You need to understand what's about to happen."
    His words caused ice to form in her veins, and she clenched her teeth rather than start screaming. "You know," she said, "I've really got a headache right now. The gate…"
    "It's like mosquitoes on your skin," he said.
    "Really big ones. Sucking at…"
    "Your sanity."
    She shook her head. "My blood." She didn't know how to explain it. Just that the longer she stayed near the gate, the less power she felt inside her. She tugged uselessly at her bonds. "I have to get out of Crimson City."
    He shook his head. "No. We have to close the gate. Now."
    Xiao Fei let her body drop back in defeat. "Cripes, Patrick." At his stern look, she hastily called him by his druidic name. "Okay, Draig-o'shoe. It's time to fish or cut bait. You've got me tied up here. What the hell are you planning to do?"
    "I'm going to make love to you."
    She blinked. Somehow, she'd known that was coming. I mean, why else would she be naked? But… "I'm missing the logic here."
    He nodded. In fact, he gave her a look that clearly meant,
I share your skepticism, but I'm loony tunes enough to go through with this anyway
. He shifted awkwardly on the bed. "I know it's tough to understand, but there's this spell. Stuff about a man and a woman merging with all of Earth. And when they become one in the b-biblical sense…" His stammer and accompanying blush were almost endearing. Almost. He paused. "You know what that means, right?"
    "Yes," she snapped. "I went to school in the US. I know what 'biblical' means."
    He paused again, cleared his throat, then plunged ahead. "Well, when they do that with the right preparation and stuff…" He gestured at the surrounding candles and incense and assorted druidic paraphernalia. "Plus the blood—"
    "I got the blood concept." Her whole life had been defined by her unnatural blood.
    "It will make the Earth whole again."
    "And close the demon gate." It wasn't a question so much as a clarification.
    She stared at him. Truly, he looked completely sane.
    Amazing how madness could hide in the hottest-looking guys. She sighed. "Let me get this straight.
will close the demon gate."
    He gave a self-conscious laugh. "It's a lot more complicated than that. I have to be focused. You're the power source—or your blood is. I don't know which, exactly. Anyway, I can shape energy. Your energy." He took a deep breath. "So we have to sync with each other before we merge with the Earth. Then I can take your power and shape it to close the gate."
    "And by 'sync up,' you mean have sex."
    He nodded.
    "So, good sex will close the demon gate."
    He shrugged. "It's not just sex. But I suppose from your perspective—"
    She cut him off. "Really, really great sex will close the demon gate."
    He paused. "Yes."
    "Patrick, I doubt your dick is that powerful."
    He jerked. His entire body twisted, and he faced her more fully. She thought he might hit her. That was the usual response when a man's ego was threatened, right? She tensed her body for the blow.
    Instead, he just stared at her. A split second later, he burst into laughter—deep belly laughs that had him holding on to his sides. His eyes even watered. The sound was so infectious that she found herself giggling right along with him, and it was a relief. She half expected him to grab the dagger off the table and slice through her bonds; then they'd go grab a drink or something while they laughed at his little joke. Ha, ha. Tie up the funny Asian chick. Ooooh, and make sure she's naked.
    Except he didn't do that. He took a deep, shuddering breath and calmed himself. His laughter faded, though some merriment still seemed to shimmer in his eyes. "You're an exceptional woman, Xiao Fei." He reached out and stroked the phoenix tattoo on her shoulder. "And not

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