Chasing Love
with her woman’s logic—he deftly pulled her legs out and spread them wide.
    There was no need to lift her skirt—it was so short it was hitched up enough as it was. For a moment he frowned. Why the hell did his Christiana own a skirt this short?
    Refusing to think down that pathway and into madness, he simply concentrated on pulling aside her panties. Smiling in a very masculine, knowing way, he ignored the squeak of protest from his Christi, and pulled them down and over her heels and off her legs. Folding them, he decided they would be a brilliant trophy for him later on.
    The panties, he couldn’t help but notice, were the palest of blue, the silk soaked in her own juices. Edward licked his lips as he gently eased them into his crumpled pants pocket, more grateful than ever for his fantastic night vision.
    She smelled of desire, anticipation and his beloved friend. He would know her anywhere. What he hadn’t known was that she shaved.
    Interesting, very interesting . His Christi-girl seemed to be a woman grown now.
    Leaning his head down and ignoring her gasps, he gently licked the puffy lips covering all her secrets and desires. With his tongue, he eased apart her folds to see the delicate flesh of her pussy. Licking his tongue in, he tasted her juices for the first time.
    It was so sweet, so hot he couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. Despite his best held efforts, in the deepest, darkest hour of the night he had often tasted her in his mind, a million times so, yet the reality was much better. Her heat flowed over him, ensnared him.
    He lapped at her like he never had for a woman before. Over and over he thrust his tongue inside her as he wished he could do with his cock. In and out and in and out, over and over.
    With his thumb, he stroked her clit, standing erect and crying for attention. When she tried to wriggle away from him he simply held her still with one hand, massaging her clit with his finger, and still licking her.
    He thrust his tongue right up as far into her as he could reach. Lapping at her a minute, he then withdrew, causing her to groan. Circling his tongue around her hard clit, he eased one of his big, thick fingers into her wet heat. Curving and probing, he found her G-spot and ran the tip of his finger over it again and again.
    She screamed and began to shudder. He continued to lick her clit, gently now, more to stimulate than anything. Rubbing her G-spot, increasing and decreasing the pressure at will, he dipped down every now and then to lap at her juices and enjoy her unique flavor.
    Within moments he was hard again, desperate to plunge himself inside her and claim her, mark her as his so no other man would be stupid enough to try and get her. Deep inside himself, he knew it would be futile to try and take her now. He needed a plan, a means of convincing her they were destined.
    He loved his stubborn mate but trying to convince her of anything had always been tricky. This proved to be more so than anything else.
    His thoughts disintegrated as he felt Christiana begin to convulse below him. She grabbed his back, his shoulders, any part of him to keep herself steady. She smashed her pussy into his mouth, moaning and crying out from the immense pleasure he was giving her.
    With a final flick of her clit and lap with his tongue, he watched as she threw her head back in abandon and screamed, long and loud, her cries echoing over the dark, empty college grounds. He growled in pleasure, with the possessive, purely masculine ego of satisfying one’s chosen mate. As Christiana came down from her high, shaking and sweating lightly, her breath coming in panting snatches, he continued to lap up the last of her freely flowing juice.
    She was tasty, good enough to keep him sated for a while longer, to get his patience back in control and woo her as she deserved.
    He sat up and pulled his pirate shirt back over his chest.
    “So what’s on the menu next, Christi-girl?”
    He saw the passionate haze

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