Chasing Love
up and down, relaxing her muscles to let the stem go as far back as she could.
    As she grew more used to the feelings, both her own sexual responses and the feeling of the first-ever long, hard, real cock sliding inside her mouth, she pumped faster and faster. She fisted the few inches she simply couldn’t fit down her throat, hoping to give Edward not only the time of his life, but also such an intense blowjob it would literally blow his mind.
    It almost surprised her how easy it was. Within a minute of her working him furiously, he moaned and fisted her curls and pulled her even further down his shaft.
    “Christi…I’m…oh! Hell that’s good!”
    With that cry, she felt his cock tremble in her mouth. It was the strangest feeling, almost as if he had a separate mind. She could almost feel his shaft quiver and ready itself, and then begin to spurt his seed down her throat. For a moment of madness, she felt as if his cock had a life of its own, as if it were sentient. Then her mouth was flooded with the taste of his salty seed and she was swallowing his essence deep inside her.
    The musky, universal scent of sex was in the air between them, the tang that only release can bring. She continued sucking his quickly-deflating cock for a few seconds, determined to wring every last drop of cum from him. As his cock became flaccid, she sat up, licking her lips and tasting his essence on herself.
    It was a strange taste, but certainly not a bad one. She grinned. For her first blowjob, she thought she’d done rather well.
    She looked at her prone Edward. She felt incredibly happy. An intense, incredibly feminine pride welled deep inside her chest. She felt happy and light and like a million dollars.
    “That was a fantastic appetizer,” she stated clearly, despite all the giddy sensations building inside herself. “What’s for the main course?”

Chapter Eleven
    Edward looked at the woman he had grown up with. In the blink of an eye he saw a dozen snapshots of them growing up. Her first change, with the joy and self-discovery that had brought her. Her first hunt, where he had followed her to make sure she was safe.
    Her first game of field hockey, where she had been tripped up by an opponent and cut her knee. He had rushed to her side, in the middle of the playing field, to hold her and soothe her tears. When he had offered to carry her from the field she had scorned him, retribution shining clearly in her ten-year-old eyes.
    The girl who had knocked her over suffered a similarly cut knee and a black eye. It had taken weeks to explain to Christiana one can’t literally deliver an eye for an eye on a sport playing field.
    Other memories flashed through his head and he knew he would add this one to the store he held deep in his heart.
    His heart? his brain echoed. With a blinding flash of pain and worry, he realized they really were destined to be together, that they were True Mates. He carried her scent with him wherever he went, she was never far from his thoughts.
    He would help her with anything she asked, whether it be to rob a bank or, more likely with his Christiana, to play poker against God and win.
    He realized with a grimace that the Old Man was right. Zachariah Rutledge had once told him that he and Christiana were bound by strings far stronger than those binding the average pair of friends.
    In his heart, Edward had understood what the Old Man meant but he had refused to believe it. But now, with her sitting above him, flushed and excited from her first real sexual experience, he knew he had his work cut out for him.
    No time like the present to initiate her.
    In her sitting position, her panties were barely covered by her micro miniskirt. Deciding to take advantage of that, he rolled into a kneeling position, deftly kicking his pants aside.
    “Before the main course, my sweet, it’s my turn for an appetizer, I think.”
    Not letting her get a word in—his Christi could twist a man in circles

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