Under Currents

Free Under Currents by Elaine Meece

Book: Under Currents by Elaine Meece Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine Meece
straightened and looked at her. “Go home, Jules.”
    “No, I can’t leave you.” She eased her hand under his and laced her fingers with his and squeezed. “I’m seeing you through this.”
    “You can’t help me. Besides you shouldn’t be here.” He stood, pulling away from her, and walked several paces into his yard where he stopped and gazed at the stars sparkling overhead.
    Rather than leave him alone with his demons, she stood and walked up beside him. He looked like a guy who needed a hug. She slowly eased her hand across his back and squeezed slightly, wanting to comfort him, wanting him to know she understood his pain.
    The warmth from his body seared her hand, flooding her with tiny sexual impulses. Desire to be held in a man’s arms filled her with need. Not any man, but Caleb. “Don’t let the past torment you. Let it go.”
    Instead of pushing her away, he turned and embraced her. “It’s not that easy. I wake up every night unable to breathe, thinking I’m still behind bars.”
    Julie leaned her head against his chest and hugged him, hoping to sooth his tortured soul. His heart pounded loudly against her ear sounding like the thud of a bass drum in a New Orleans’ funeral possession.
    “It was very insensitive of me to even think you could watch that movie. I’m sorry.”
    He nuzzled the side of her face near her ear and touched his lips to her skin in a gentle kiss. “I forgive you.”
    His virile scent and the flowery fragrances of springtime made her lightheaded. She tried to keep her mind on consoling him, not the passionate heat spreading through her. “You should put it behind you. You’re a free man now.”
    “Not exactly. I’m on parole. If I break just one of my parole conditions, I’ll be sent back to finish out my sentence, and I’d rather die than go back.”
    They stood in silence.
    Fireflies flittered about them, flashing their dim green lights, and the stars filled the sky like silver glitter. The hug lasted longer than it should’ve, and she knew she should step back. It was no longer a comforting hug. A definite intimacy had developed between them. One she couldn’t explain.
    Again he kissed the same spot on the side of her face, then kissed her forehead. His warm breath touched her skin and caused desire to consume her.
    “Jules, you’d better leave.”
    When she didn’t make an attempt to escape, his mouth found hers, and he greedily kissed her. She eagerly received his warm tongue as it stroked and caressed her own with urgency. His mouth tasted sweet and fresh. She rose on her tiptoes to deepen the kiss. His erection cradled against her, causing a burning pool to form in her lower abdomen. A blaze that only he could put out.
    Caleb hadn’t meant to kiss her. Though he’d thought about her every night, he couldn’t let this go any further. He had to stop it from ever happening again, even if it meant being callous. Julie deserved better. Though aroused to the point of extreme pain, he found the strength to step back, breaking the intensity of the moment. “Julie, think about this.”
    “I don’t want to think. I only want to feel loved.”
    He hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but she left him no choice.
    “Think about who I am and how this town feels about me. You’re just caught up in the moment, but come morning the magic will be gone, and you’ll see me for what I am. A horny ex-con after an easy piece of ass.”
    Julie jerked back and glared at him. She drew in a sharp breath as she took another step back. The pale moonlight revealed her stunned expression. “I didn’t mean for it to go so far. I can’t explain what came over me. I’m sorry. Thank you for not taking advantage of my moment of insanity and lack of judgment. Goodnight, Caleb.”
    “Goodnight, Jules.”
    Come morning, she’d feel even more humiliated over the kiss they shared, for her willingness to let him go all the way. He assumed her need to be held and kissed

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