Wench With Wings

Free Wench With Wings by Rose D. Cassidy

Book: Wench With Wings by Rose D. Cassidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose D. Cassidy
while Dane was not home.
    He could wait till he got a fight with her than let her beat him, but that wouldn’t work, he would have to beat her to gain her want for him, maybe. He could wait till the fight with her than beat her fairly which would gain her respect then ask her to his bed, but would she come? He could wait till the fight with her and see how it ends and if she beat him than he would go to her place with her but not touch her or give her what she wanted; (sex, it had to be that, right?) ‘That couldn’t really be it there has to be something more,’ he thought. That plan would not work either. If he was in a room with her, he couldn't guarantee he could keep his hands off of her. None of these that went through his head seemed like it would work. He was thinking simple because with women simple was always it! “Ha,” he said. Not with women and especially not with Trey. She was the farthest from simple.’
    It would have to be more of an elaborate plan. Then it hit him. She asked for him to stay away for a reason and that reason had to be because he made her hot with want. At her shop the last time he saw her he knew that she only said the words to piss him off and get him to leave so it must be that reason she couldn’t handle being around him because the time before she wanted him, he saw it. He would make her so crazy with want that she would not want to touch anyone but him. ‘Or it could have the complete opposite effect.’ Either way it was a fifty-fifty chance he was willing to take. It was action now instead of a wait till he got a chance to fight her. It was his best plan yet and it would have to work. He had to have her, no one else could and he would have to have her before the next fight. He was good, plan was set, it might not be the best but he would make the best out of it.
    She was enjoying her relaxing, it was something she didn’t get very often but she still managed to peal herself from the couch and head down to open the shop. She was puttering around when Jocelyn and Gwen came flying in. “We got an issue, Trey.” Jocelyn tensely said.
    “Great. What’s up?”
    “I am out of brains!”
    “Seriously? You really had me concerned.”
    “Oh my goddess you should be, did you hear me. I AM OUT OF BRAINS,” she yelled.
    “Okay, why are you out of brains, Jos?”
    “I fell trying to flip off a wall on the way here!”
    “Okay! Okay? That’s all you have to say. I have lost control here and that’s all I get from you?” Trey only laughed and shook her head looking toward Gwen and pointing her thumb at Jos. “Has she been like this ever since she did it?”
    “Yea, we might have to bring her to the hospital I think she’s cracking.” Gwen played.
    “Oh, oh no you don’t! I am just fine there is absolutely no reason for them creepy ass Dr.’s to be sticking me with crap.”
    “It’s so funny that you can get tats, give tats, get piercings but can’t handle needles that will help you.”
    “I’ve told you it ain’t the needles, it’s them creepy ass Dr.’s doing it.”
    “Anyway, are you over your drama dilemma?” Gwen asked.
    “Yea, yea! Now let’s get to more pressing matters. How’s it going controlling the issue you got with Ayden?” Jocelyn voice changed to amusement, irritating Trey more.
    “Oh my, are you freaking serious? No issue and no need to control it if it aint there.”
    “Really? Than why did you set another fight yesterday and put yourself back on, mind you, going off the list once again and fighting the same guy twice.”
    “The ass I beat wanted a rematch and I figured since he was bumped up the list I through him off and to be fair I would give him another shot at me and plus the new bloods needed a taste of what they train for. Now if we could please move on to actual pressing matters.”
    “What’s more pressing, Hon?” Gwen drawled sarcastically and out of character. Trey only shot her a look and stored that out of

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