Rogue Soul (The Mythean Arcana Series Book 3)
as he’d seen that bastard’s mouth all over hers, something in him had snapped. It felt like he was only now gaining consciousness, his mind surfacing from the black tar of jealousy and rage that had swamped it.  
    Damn it, it wasn’t his business who she kissed. He stared down at his hands, too big and too strong. Strong enough to do damage. But he’d used them to drag her out of the bar and down the street. He had no idea how gentle he’d been. Probably not enough. It didn’t matter that she was immortal and would heal. He shouldn’t have done it.
    He heaved a disgusted sigh. He was an asshole, and worse, he couldn’t seem to help it. He hadn’t deserved the affections of someone like her in the past, and he didn’t deserve them now.
    “Why the hell did you haul me out of there?” Andrasta's voice sent a jolt through him.
    He looked up to see her standing only a couple feet from him, her back against the wall of the bunkhouse.
    “You don’t care about me, so why do you care who I kiss?” she asked.
    He shoved his hand through his hair, unsure of how to answer because he didn’t understand it himself. He did care about her, damn it, and it felt weird as hell. Gods shouldn’t have emotions, yet he had. And still did.  
    He had them because of her. He’d felt nothing before he’d met her all those years ago. She was brave, skilled, smart, and beautiful. More than that. Yet it wasn’t just those qualities that had drawn him to her. They were admirable qualities, but not enough to incite the birth of emotion in him.
    The problem was, he had no idea why she had triggered it. It was the damned mystery of his life.
    Worse, being with her for the last day and a half had reminded him how much he’d liked her company all those years ago. How much he liked her.  
    It was unnatural. He was unnatural. A failed god who felt emotion. It was a mess inside his head that he tried to silence however he could.
    Except he couldn’t silence it with her.  
    And now she stood in front of him, tiny and curvy and strong and irresistible, her breath heaving. It shouldn’t have sounded louder than the howls of the animals in the jungle, but it did. It reached inside him and squeezed, drawing him to her.
    He crowded her, pressed his hands to the wall on either side of her head.
    “Cam?” Her voice trembled, but the way she licked her lips, the way her eyes heated, gave him all the clues he needed.  
    She wanted him. Hell, she was fresh from Otherworld. She wanted anyone. He remembered what it was like to arrive on earth and be sensitive to all the feelings that weren’t present in Otherworld. It made one hot as hell in a way that wasn’t entirely natural.  
    The knowledge that she’d have settled for the guy back at the bar didn’t deter him. She wanted anyone, and he wanted only her. It made a pang of loneliness shoot through his chest. But it wasn’t enough to push him away from her. He’d wanted only her since he’d seen her so many years ago. He’d wanted her enough to ruin her life, to change his.  
    “Andrasta,” he rasped.  
    Her face tilted up to meet his, desire in her eyes.
    “It’s Ana,” she whispered, gripping his shirt with her small fists. Her cheeks flushed and she licked her lips again. “What are you doing to me?”  
    He leaned in, close enough to feel her breath. Held himself back with the knowledge that for her, it was just the effect of being on earth, being bombarded by all the feelings that were repressed in Otherworld. It wasn’t about him. But he couldn’t stop himself from answering. From prolonging this torture.  
    “Nothing. Ana.” He liked the way her name felt on his tongue. Andrasta was from the past. Ana—the same, but so different—was from now. He wanted to do all the things to her that he’d never had a chance to before.  
    His shaft pressed painfully hard against his fly, and his breath came harshly as he resisted the urge to pull her against him. There were so

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