How to Seduce an Angel in 10 Days

Free How to Seduce an Angel in 10 Days by Saranna DeWylde

Book: How to Seduce an Angel in 10 Days by Saranna DeWylde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saranna DeWylde
knocked on the door just seconds later and he even tried the doorknob. She thanked the Goddess she’d had the sense to lock the damn thing. What warlock did that? Followed a witch into the bathroom? Of course, he was an angel now, so maybe that changed the rules.
    “Tally, what’s wrong?”
    “I’ll be out in a minute.”
    “What’s wrong?”
    “I said I’ll be out in a minute.”
    “Beer shits? Look, it happens. No big deal.”
    That insensitive asshole. It only made it worse when they thought they were being sensitive. “It’s not that. I started my rag.”
    Oh, great. Why couldn’t she have come up with something else to call it? Like she had earlier, in her own head. Her scarlet friend. Her Aunt Rosy. The Red Sea. Something. Anything besides “the rag.”
    She palmed her forehead. Now she really needed those granny panties. She couldn’t run around with a tampon and no knickers.
    “That’s no biggie, either. I assume you need underthings now. Where do you keep your panties for that time of the month?”
    Was he shitting her blue? Did the man just ask where her . . .
    “I have a sister. I have a mother. I’ve had girlfriends. This isn’t unfamiliar territory.”
    Tally was ready to die. It couldn’t happen fast enough. Suddenly, the mirror over the sink shimmered and Ethelred appeared.
    “You’re welcome,” he said.
    “Do you mind?” she shrieked.
    “Not usually. Don’t say I never gave you anything.”
    “This is your doing? Why?” She stomped her foot as hard as she could while propped on the toilet.
    “Otherwise, you would have broken a Shall Not. If you’re going to do that, it will be with me, thank you very much.”
    “Hey, don’t say that so loud. I don’t fancy a lightning bolt to the tampon from Uriel.”
    “You’re the least of his concerns. Now, can you imagine my shame if we get you just because you shagged Stupid Cupid? Bah. I’d rather your demise be something elegant and, of course, planned by me.”
    “You’re a dick.”
    Ethelred looked thoughtful for a moment. “This isn’t the first time I’ve heard that.” A package of granny panties and a box of tampons appeared on the edge of the sink. “You can thank me later, I have to run. I hear a gypsy princess calling my name.”
    Ethelred disappeared before she’d had a chance to ask him if he’d been watching them. “Is someone in there with you?”
    Tally sighed. “No, he left.”
    “Ethelred. Should have known. Are you okay?”
    Yeah, Tally was fine. But was Falcon? She’d been straddling him and she had visions of red humiliation streaked over his jeans. She knew there was nothing for it but to ask.
    “So, um . . . did I . . .” The words refused to leave her mouth.
    “No. And it still wouldn’t bother me if you had.”
    “Why is that?” she said snidely. She probably shouldn’t have asked. A smart witch would have left it alone.
    “The fact that my wings are pink doesn’t mean I didn’t get my red ones.”
    Red wings?
    Tally’s eyes goggled and she spluttered, choking on her own spit. She’d never be able to look him in the face again. Considering recent events, she gathered that’s what the Powers That Be were gunning for.

    A Bad, Bad Thing
    “G ood morning, Sunshine!”
    Tally awoke from a dead sleep to find Ethelred wrapped in a precariously low-slung towel, sprawled across her reading chair. She’d never look at it the same way again.
    “My door was locked for a reason.”
    The demon shrugged. “We need to talk.”
    Tally rolled over and pulled the covers over her head. “I don’t want to talk. I want to lie here and die quietly. Alone.”
    He tugged on the sheet. “Look, if it’s the cramps—”
    Tally popped upright in the bed and fixed a look on Ethelred that would have caused a lesser being to whimper. “If I had my magick, I’d show you cramps,” she snarled.
    Ethelred wasn’t nonplussed. “That’s why you don’t. Now, move it.” He snapped his

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