Imprudent Lady
Dammler?” Dammler knew better than to attempt an answer, and waited for her to tell how it progressed.
    “Very well, I daresay. I will write my memoirs one day, but there is never time for anything. About a harem, isn't it?” He nodded. “So clever of you. I hope you have lots of lovely eunuchs. I know with you writing it there will be plenty of beautiful young ladies. How you will enjoy casting and rehearsals. Dolly Entwhistle swears she will have her hair dyed black and try out. It turned quite red with grief when her husband passed on you must know. Oh, there is the Princess waving to me. She will be wanting to get my approval to give someone a voucher to Almack's. You must come to us one evening, Miss Mallow. We all agree to have you, and I will be happy to send you a ticket. So charmed to make your acquaintance. I will tell everyone how clever you are.” She sailed away, smiling and talking still.
    Dammler looked expectantly at Miss Mallow. “I have been waiting weeks to hear you deliver a verdict on her."
    “Unlike your friend, I am speechless,” she replied.
    “I would like to quote that bon mot, but I shan't. Old Sally wields a big stick. Will you go to Almack's?"
    “Perhaps.” After her night of glory, a voucher to Almack's, which would have been a cherished object a few months ago, was not important. Although a dull club, it was the pinnacle of Society. Entrance was severely restricted, and to be offered a voucher was a greater honour than Miss Mallow realized.
    As they rode home, Dammler said, “Now that I have given Shilla her head, the play is going nicely. I am learning to be industrious from you. I'll stay home and work on it tomorrow."
    This was understood, at least by the lady, to mean she would not see him. She commented that she too planned to work.
    “How did you enjoy the ball?” he asked as he handed her down from the carriage.
    “I enjoyed it very much."
    “Aren't you glad I made you put off your cap?"
    “Very glad.” She yawned and blinked her eyes. Three o'clock was an unnatural hour for them to be still open.
    “You're not used to such late hours, eh, Miss Prudence? Take care or your uncle will have to be exerting his skill to paint the circles out from under your eyes next time."
    “Concealing a flaw is his major skill. He threatens to do me again without my cap. Good night, Lord Dammler. Thank you."
    “The pleasure was mine, Miss Mallow."
    He turned and ran down the stairs two at a time and waved from the carriage. It had been a nearly perfect night, yet there was some little sense of disappointment left with Prudence as he rode away. What had she expected, she asked herself. He had behaved with perfect propriety. Yes, that was it. He would not have done so had he thought of her as more than a friend. Just so would he wave to a male he had been in company with. “What foolish notions are you getting in your head, Miss Prudence?” she asked herself. Remember your name.

Chapter Seven

    Clarence's niece rose to a new height in her uncle's favour when it was revealed she had stood up for a quadrille with the Duke of Clarence. She was urged to have a fire in her study if she liked. She hoped he would remember his generosity when autumn rolled around. There was really no need of it in May. She needed all of his good will to jolly him into accepting a new series of activities Dammler undertook on her behalf. They had wasted enough time driving around the countryside, Dammler decreed. It was time they discovered the city itself. It was no childish trip to see the horses at Astley's Circus or Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum he had in mind, but the very depths and dregs of it. They went one day for a drive through the worst slums of the east side, and on another to the middle-class suburbs of such places as Hans Town. Dammler, she noticed, made notes as if he were doing some serious research. Prudence naturally enquired what purpose he had in mind, thinking it was some literary

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