Temptation in Texas: A Christmas Special

Free Temptation in Texas: A Christmas Special by Lynda Chance

Book: Temptation in Texas: A Christmas Special by Lynda Chance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynda Chance
Temptation in Texas:
A Logan and Lauren Christmas Special
    A Short Story
    Lynda Chance
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    Warning: This is a short interlude in the lives of
Logan and Lauren; it could even be called an excuse from some hot,
alpha-male sex. This story has a satisfying ending; it can be read
alone or with ‘Pursuit’ and/or ‘Temptation in Texas: Logan and
    When Logan Crenshaw gets home from a business trip
and finds his wife compromising her safety, a flip switches within
and his temper goes off the Richter scale.
    Temptation in Texas:
    A Logan and Lauren Christmas Special
    Copyright 2014 Lynda Chance
    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the
express written permission of the author or publisher except for
the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.
    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses,
characters and incidents are either the product of the author's
imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to
actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely
    For everyone who asked for more of Logan and Lauren
    Time period: Six or so years after marriage, but
before kids, because who wants to think of children right now?
    Logan Crenshaw stepped from the shower stall in yet
another nondescript hotel room in Dallas, Texas. He’d always hated
traveling, but now, being separated from Lauren made leaving home
harder than ever.
    He glanced down at his raging boner. Thank fuck his
business had finished up late last night and he could go home a day
early. He needed to get home . . . needed to get his
fix. His Lauren fix.
    He hated jacking-off. Jacking-off was for
boys, or for men who didn’t have a woman like the one he had at
home. A woman who wasn’t merely accommodating to his needs, but one
who seemed to need him as much as a crack-addict needed her next
hit . . . almost as much as he needed her.
    Yeah, he’d done a damn fine job when he’d wrangled
her little ass to the altar. His wife was the epitome of
perfection .
    His cock jumped and pulsed at the vision of her naked
and spread-eagled on his bed, just waiting for him to get home.
    Down, boy . Just calm the fuck down. His girl
would be there when he got home in approximately five hours and
then he could do what he did best:
    Lift her up against the wall, wrap her legs around
his hips.
    Pull her skirt up and push her panties aside.
    Open his pants and touch her clit, make sure she’s
wet and ready.
    And then plunge inside. Heaven. His naked cock, her
naked, wet, wanting pussy…
    A drop of sweat beaded on his brow. He needed to fuck
her like he needed air to breathe. It had been that way since the
first moment he’d seen her, and the feeling wasn’t going away, not
a damn bit. In fact, it was probably getting worse. He took a deep
breath and blew it out. Shit, it was getting worse.
    He’d always had these wild, fucked-up feelings for
Lauren. It was strange really, because before he’d met her, he’d
never in a million years thought he could have felt this way about
any woman. But with Lauren? From the very beginning, he’d
experienced what seemed to be a testosterone-driven compulsion to
keep her safe. He needed her safe, wanted to protect her from
everything bad the world held. It had been that way from the first
moment he’d laid eyes on her.
    And soon after, when they’d started seeing each
other, his dormant aggression had really exploded. He’d become
possessive within hours, jealous within days, territorial within a
week. He’d thought for a long while that he’d possibly even lost
his sanity . . . but then he’d realized: he was fucking in love

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