Autumn: Disintegration

Free Autumn: Disintegration by David Moody

Book: Autumn: Disintegration by David Moody Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Moody
and fighting for breath. “One of them bit him.”
    “Did it cut you?” Ellie asked. Webb shook his head and held up his arm, using his other hand to show where he’d been bitten.
    “It just grabbed hold of me and bit me here,” he explained. “It couldn’t get through my jacket.”
    “So what’s the problem, then?”
    “The problem is it bit him, you stupid bitch!” Stokes yelled. Ellie shrugged off the insult; she’d been called much worse recently. “Are they going to start trying to eat us now?”
    “You’ve watched too many crap films,” she announced, putting the doll over her shoulder, then getting up and walking around the room, gently patting its back.
    “Are you sure it bit you?” Hollis asked, finally putting down his hand of cards, knowing they weren’t going to get any peace until Webb had his say.
    “Of course I’m sure, you fucking idiot!” he screamed, his normally cocky voice filled with genuine panic and fear. “It had its teeth wrapped around my fucking arm!”
    “But did it really bite you? Are you sure you didn’t just put your arm in its mouth?”
    “Are you having a laugh?” Stokes said in disbelief. “It bit him. What don’t you understand? The bloody thing bit him.”
    Hollis looked at him for a moment longer, then picked up his cards again.
    “It didn’t really, though, did it? Why would it? Think about it. As far as I know they don’t eat, so it wasn’t trying to take a chunk out of you because it was hungry, was it?”
    “It bit me,” Webb snarled, his fear now giving way to anger.
    “Put anything in their mouths and chances are they’ll bite down on it. It’s an instinctive reaction, isn’t it? Just the same as walking or—”
    “It fucking bit me!”
    The volume of Webb’s voice had reached such a level that everyone stopped to listen. Even Driver moved his newspaper slightly so that he could see what was happening. Jas and Caron appeared from the flat next door. Only Anita, who hadn’t yet got out of bed today, was absent.
    “What’s the matter?” Caron asked, concerned. Hollis couldn’t be bothered to recap.
    “Calm down,” he warned Webb, who seemed poised to erupt again.
    “Calm down?” Stokes gasped having finally got his breath back. “Calm down? For Christ’s sake, man, just listen to yourself, will you? One of those things out there tried to take a chunk out of his arm and you’re telling him to calm down? Can’t you see what—”
    Hollis sighed. “It was just an instinctive reaction.”
    “You weren’t even there!” Stokes yelled at him.
    “But like I said, they don’t eat,” he protested. “They’re not controlled enough to be able to attack like that. Like Ellie said, this isn’t some stupid horror film. You’re not going to become one of them because you’ve had contact with infected blood or anything like that.”
    “How do you know?”
    Hollis rolled up his sleeve to reveal a seven-inch-long zigzag cut running along his forearm from his elbow to his wrist. The cut had been deep and sore but was beginning to scab over and heal. “One of them did this to me last week.”
    “How?” Jas asked from the other side of the room. “You told me you did it trying to move a car.”
    Hollis shook his head. “I said it happened while I was moving a car. I got scratched, that’s all. Just a lucky hit from a body that had lost a lot of flesh on one of its hands. Caught me with a sharp edge of bone.”
    “Did you clean it up?” Caron quickly asked, her motherly instincts coming to the fore again. Hollis sighed. Did she think he was stupid?
    “Of course I cleaned it up. Look, this really isn’t anything like the films you used to watch or the books you read. Those things out there are just dead bodies. They’re not flesh-eating monsters. They don’t want our brains or anything like that.”
    “No, but they do attack us and they are getting smarter,” Lorna said. In an instant the focus of everyone in the room switched

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