No Way Out

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Book: No Way Out by Samantha Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Hayes
absorbed the hug as best he could. Lorraine was grateful for that. She released his limp body and held him at arm’s length. She thought he looked a little pale, washed-out, and he smelled of sleep.
    ‘You look well,’ she said tentatively, with a forced grin and a wink at Jo. ‘What’s your mum been feeding you?’
    Freddie laughed pleasantly, humouring his aunt. He’d always been a good-mannered boy, brought up properly by his mum and stepdad. By
, Lorraine thought to herself, not wanting to give Malc too much credit. She hoped by the end of the week’s stay she would know more about what had gone wrong, but for now she wasn’t entirely prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. There must be a good reason for Jo to have acted this way, she told herself.
    ‘You look well too, Aunty Lorraine,’ he said, pulling the dressing gown tightly around his chest. He folded his arms, wrapping himself up as if it was winter rather than the twenty or so degrees it must already be.
    ‘What’s the plan before we go to the theatre this afternoon, then?’ Jo said to her son in an expectant way.
    Lorraine knew that tone of voice well, having used it on her girls many times. It contained the vague hope that the morning might consist of something other than lounging around watching TV, and military manoeuvres on the fridge every half hour.
    Freddie shrugged. His hand paddled through his hair, as if sweeping away the idea that he might be required to do something useful. ‘Dunno. Not sure I’m coming. I haven’t woken up yet.’ He shifted from one foot to the other and his eyes narrowed to slits in the sunlight. He was clearly wishing that he hadn’t come outside.
    ‘Did you say hello to Stella?’ Jo asked him.
    At the mention of his young cousin, Freddie allowed a slight grin. ‘Yeah, but she’s asleep at the kitchen table. Sensible girl.’ That endearing laugh again, followed by another ruffle of his unruly blond hair. There was nothing short back and sides about it.
    ‘Why don’t you take her up to the Manor?’
    Lorraine immediately noticed the change in her sister’s voice. It was lighter, expectant.
    ‘What for?’ Freddie said.
    Jo hesitated. ‘You know,’ she said, looking across the garden, shielding her eyes with her hand. ‘Take Stella to see the horses or something. Maybe you’ll bump into Lana. It’s such a nice morning. There’s no point spending it indoors.’
    Freddie made a noise – a cross between a laugh and a snort. He stared at the ground and shook his head a couple of times. ‘Yeah, OK, I’ll take Stella out. But you wake her up.’ He turned and disappeared through the French doors into the darkness of the kitchen.
    Once he was out of earshot, Jo frowned. ‘How do you think he seemed?’ she asked.
    ‘Tall,’ Lorraine replied flippantly. ‘Why?’
    Jo wrapped her fingers around her mug. She brought it to her mouth and took a long sip, taking a moment to gaze around the garden again. Lorraine could see she wasn’t admiring the flowers, rather trying to figure out how to say what was on her mind.
    ‘I’ve been worried about him, that’s all.’
    ‘How come?’
    ‘He’s just not been himself recently. He’s quiet, sullen, rude even. Some days he doesn’t even get out of bed. And he’s stopped seeing his mates.’
    ‘Sounds like a normal eighteen-year-old. Girl troubles, perhaps?’
    ‘I wish,’ Jo said. ‘That would mean he’d actually made an effort, bothered to go out, meet friends, socialise, be normal. He’s just spent all his time in his room on his computer the last few months.’
    ‘Probably just a phase.’ Lorraine looked at her sister, admired her deep blue eyes and glossy blonde hair, and sighed. ‘But maybe he’s taken your separation harder than you thought. He is really close to Malc.’
    Jo shifted uncomfortably. ‘I wondered about that too, but he was like it before Malc left.’ She rubbed her eyes, and when she looked at Lorraine again, there

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