SVH01-Double Love

Free SVH01-Double Love by Francine Pascal

Book: SVH01-Double Love by Francine Pascal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Francine Pascal
again, and the high school was caught in the middle. The Patman-Fowler feud-- pitting the old, established Henry Wilson Patman and his canning industry money against George Fowler and his new money made through silicon chips--was going to be fought out on the Gladiators' football field.
    "The school had leased the field from the city, but the lease ran out recently," said Mr. Collins. "Now George Fowler is trying to buy the land so he can put up a new factory."
    "Right across from the school?" said Elizabeth, aghast.
    "That's what he wants. The Fowlers judge everything by how they can make more money."
    "But where would the Gladiators play football?"
    "I don't think that interests George Fowler, Liz."
    "But I heard the Patmans want the field, Mr. Collins."
    "Oh, yes, they do. When they heard George Fowler was going to buy the land for a factory, they went into shock. They've gotten a court injunction to block the sale. They don't want a factory there."
    "Well, good," said Elizabeth. "Then we support the Patmans."
    "Wrong, Elizabeth. The Patmans don't want the Gladiators on the field either. They want to plant a formal English garden, the way it was in 1916 when it was part of the Vanderhorn estate."
    "Who were the Vanderhorns?"
    "The Vanderhorns were one of the original families in Sweet Valley."
    "Bruce Patman's mother was a Vanderhorn."
    "My goodness," said Elizabeth. "What a mess."
    "Yes. And I'm afraid it's all yours."
    "Mine?" Elizabeth felt her pulse racing. She had never been given a story this big before.
    "Yes. John is busy with the game against Palisades High. If we ever get to play it. So this one's all yours."
    "You mean we might not be able to use the field for the Palisades game, Mr. Collins?"
    "As of right now, Elizabeth, nobody can use the field for anything. The Fowlers have claimed it, and the Patmans' court injunction keeps everybody off the land until this is settled."
    "But the team has to practice!"
    "Not on their own field, Elizabeth. Have fun."
    Court injunctions might keep school officials and even big shots like the Patmans and the
    Fowlers off a disputed football field, but they were useless against the student body of Sweet Valley High. By lunch time the rumors had totally engulfed the school. Kids were milling around in front on the steps and spilling over onto the lawn.
    In the middle of the throng was Ken Matthews, the powerful blond captain of the Gladiators' football team. Next to him was Todd Wilkins and some of the other school jocks. All eyes were turned to them. Something had to be done.
    "What are we going to do, Kenny?" somebody yelled. "They can't take our field."
    "OK, calm down," Ken said, gazing out over the crowd. "Don't worry. Number one, the Gladiators have never lost anything without a fight!"
    A roar of approval greeted this comment.
    "And, number two," Todd added, "we need that field more than anyone else. They can build a factory or a garden anyplace!"
    "Right on," somebody yelled.
    "And it's ours!" Ken shouted.
    Another roar from the assembled students.
    Looking out the cafeteria window, Mrs. Waller, the school dietitian, saw the rally building in size. She put down her clipboard and hurried down the corridor to the gym.
    "Coach!" Mrs. Waller called out.
    Coach Schultz looked up from the play diagrams he was working on in preparation for the big game against the Palisades Pumas.
    "What's the matter, Mrs. Waller?"
    "Coach, I think we've got trouble. The football team is out in front of the school, and they're all worked up."
    "My team?" said Coach Schultz, getting up quickly.
    "Kenny Matthews is in the middle of it."
    "What are we waiting for?"
    And together, Coach Schultz and Mrs. Waller hurried upstairs toward the principal's office.
    "Chrome Dome's going to have a fit," said Mrs. Waller.
    "My boys won't do anything wrong," said Coach Schultz. "They're just high-spirited."
    They swept into Mr. Cooper's office in time to hear the announcement on the school's intercom

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