The Power of a Praying Wife Devotional

Free The Power of a Praying Wife Devotional by Stormie Omartian

Book: The Power of a Praying Wife Devotional by Stormie Omartian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormie Omartian
show me what I should be doing instead. Give me the energy and clarity of mind to make those changes.
With regard to my work outside our home, help me to find favor with those I come in contact with in the process. Teach me better and more efficient ways to do what I need to accomplish. Help me to have a great attitude about whatever it is I am doing at the time—whether it is maintaining a home, working at a job, or running a business—so that I can always do my best. Above all, I need to have a clear sense of Your purpose in my life and of the gifts You have put in me. I want to know I am always in the right place doing the very thing You would have me do. Enable me to sense Your presence guiding me every step of the way. If my work right now is to establish our home and raise children, help me to find all the great fulfillment and satisfaction You have for me in that. Enable me to excel in everything I do so that I can be a blessing to my family and others. Most of all, I want to know that what I am doing pleases You.
In Jesus’ name I pray.


When He Needs a Change of Mind
    Do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God.

    R OMANS 12:2

    W E ALL NEED TO periodically have our minds renewed, recharged, and changed. Each one of us can get into habits of thought that are off, and we may even be blind to the fact that it’s happening. Our thought habits profoundly affect who we are and what we become. If we are more affected by a godless world than we are by the kingdom of God, it will have a profound effect on our marriage relationship, where it is crucial that we have the Spirit of God influencing our mind at all times.
    The world encroaches upon us every day in some way if we are not vigilant. Pray for your husband to recognize that and be drawn toward the goodness, greatness, and power of God in his life. While a wife cannot always change her husband’s mind, she can pray to her husband’s heavenly Father to bring about a desire in him to not conform to the world’s system of thinking, but rather to the Lord’s ways.
    You must pray frequently for your husband’s mind because you don’t know what thoughts can creep into his thinking, sometimes without him even realizing it. If you ever see that his thinking is off or not lining up with God’s truth, pray that God will give him the mind of Christ and change his mind forever. Ask God to renew your husband’s mind so he will not conform to this world, but will instead “prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
My Prayer to God
L ORD , I pray You would bring about a change in my husband’s mind. Take away any desire for the things of the world and replace it with a desire for more of You and Your kingdom. Renew his thoughts so that they are pleasing in Your sight. If what he is thinking is not acceptable to You, expose that to the light of Your truth. Enable him to see the error of his plans and considerations. Wherever he has gotten off the path You have for him in his thought life, reveal that to him in ways he can clearly see. Don’t let him accept worldly attitudes and mind-sets that will lead him astray. Only You, Lord, know his thoughts. And only You can transform them and line them up according to Your will for his life.
I know how a wrong thought, when it is accepted as truth, can lead us away from all You have for us. Don’t let that happen to him. Don’t let that happen to me, either. Open our eyes to see the truth so we can reject any deception we may be under. Where there is a specific issue that I truly feel my husband needs to have a change of mind about, I ask You to either renew his mind completely about that or show me if am wrong and therefore should seek Your renewal in my mind instead. Thank You for giving us the mind of Christ. Help us to rely on You and the truth of Your Word imprinted on our

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