The Devil in Her Soul (Heartless Devils Motorcycle Club Book 3)

Free The Devil in Her Soul (Heartless Devils Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Kathryn Thomas

Book: The Devil in Her Soul (Heartless Devils Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
purple belt, two steps below black. She was no expert, but she was pretty sure she could take this bitch.
    Hearts shook off the two women’s restraining hands. “I’ve wanted to do this for months.”
    “Then come get some.”
    Hearts rushed her and Jenny stepped smoothly to the side and delivered a devastating spinning side kick to the gut that stopped Hearts cold. The woman went down with a gush of air as Jenny danced back. Her clothing was constricting her movements, her boots heavy and slowing her down. She was rusty, and her kick didn’t have the power it once did, but it had done the job. Heart struggled up from the floor gasping for breath.
    “I’m going to kill you for that, you cunt,” Hearts gasped.
    “Hearts! That’s enough!” Angel begged.
    “Shut up!” Hearts sneered as she straightened. “You got lucky. Now I’m going to fuck you up.”
    Jenny began to bounce on her toes again and flicked her fingers in a “come on” motion. Hearts went in fast, lunging away from Jenny’s as she began to wind up for another kick. Jenny recognized the feint, but it was too late to stop her motion and reset before Heart whipped out a hand and caught her shoulder. Hearts whipped the off-balance Jenny around, using her superior weight to drag her toward her. Hearts expected Jenny to fight the pull, but instead Jenny rushed into her, knocking her onto her heels. She tried to backpedal, but she wasn’t quick enough and began to fall, dragging Jenny down with her.
    Jenny fell with the woman, using her weight to drive her down. They hit the floor between two of the chairs, Hearts taking the brunt of the impact. The moment Jenny felt her grip loosen from the fall, she rolled off Hearts, sliding over her back as the other woman tried to scramble to her feet. Jenny grabbed at Hearts arm, twisting it around, back and up, applying pressure until Hearts went limp.
    “Give it up, Hearts, or I’ll break your fucking arm!”
    “Fuck yo—” Hearts began, her voice fading into a gasp as Jenny applied a little more force.
    “What was that?” Jenny asked, backing off on the pressure a little.
    “Nothing! I give!” Hearts begged.
    Jenny released her arm and stood up from her knees, freeing Hearts to move. Hearts rolled over, her eyes wet with tears as she worked her shoulder. Jenny stood and watched her a moment, not letting her guard down.
    Hearts gasped once, a soft sobbing sound as she moved to her knees to rise slowly to her feet, but the moment she was up, she spun and charged into Jenny, taking her in a full tackle, driving Jenny back and into a chair. The two women went to the floor as the chair toppled over backwards as Hearts continued to drive into her.
    Jenny whooshed as Hearts knocked the wind out of her, her legs hitting the chair causing her to sit down hard. They went down in a tangle as the chair flipped over, kicking and scrambling on the floor as they fought for advantage.
    Hearts sneered into Jenny’s face as her hands closed around her throat. Jenny jerked her sideways, breaking her grip and then punched straight into Hearts throat. The punch was weak because of her position, but a punch to the throat doesn’t need a lot of power. Hearts gagged with the impact and her mouth fell open as she reared back, a hand going to her neck.
    Jenny twisted hard to the right, dumping the woman off of her, and as the Hearts scrambled to get some distance, Jenny leapt onto her back, knocking her flat and took her in a chokehold, her right elbow tight around Hearts’ throat, her left hand locked on her wrist to draw the hold tight.
    She hauled back on Hearts’ neck, tipping her head back hard. “Who’s fucked now, bitch?” Jenny whispered into Hearts ear as Hearts clawed at her arm, trying to break the hold. Jenny kept the pressure on, not hard enough to damage her, but slowly closing off her air. Hearts tried to twist and throw Jenny off, but

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