Fast Lane
isn’t she?” Lexi asks as she gets out of bed and starts gathering her clothes.
    “You heard her?” I ask, wondering if my phone was that loud.
    “No. But anyone that calls and wakes a person up this early can’t be a very nice person.” Lexi heads out of the bedroom. “Just going to quickly freshen up, and I’ll go home to shower so you can get ready,” I hear her say as she’s walking down the hall. A few moments later, she comes back wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a black t-shirt with her Chucks. I sit up on the edge of the bed. Just the sheet covering my waist.
    “Damn you’re beautiful.” The words are out of my mouth before I realize what I’m saying. Fuck! You’ve had your fun with her, Coen. Now send her away before she gets too attached. Or before I get too attached. She blushes. Shit. She’s even more beautiful when she blushes. She tugs at her shirt, shrugs her shoulders, and crinkles her nose.
    “Um, thanks, but these are just my work clothes, Coen. Nothing fancy. I have to work at the restaurant today.” Running her hands through her hair, she throws it up into a ponytail and pulls it tight. “I better run.” She’s frantically gathering up her things. A few seconds later, she stops dead in her tracks and says, “Oh. I’ll call a cab.”
    I just smirk. “I’ll drop you off on my way to my aunt’s house,” I say, letting the sheet fall to the floor as I get up. I walk over to Lexi and place a gentle kiss on her forehead.
    “But there isn’t time for both of us to shower here, Coen.” She’s looking everywhere in the room but at me. It’s making her uncomfortable because I’m naked. Cute.
    “There is if we both go in at the same time, Sweet Cheeks.” I slap her on that hot ass of hers and I walk past her toward the bathroom. I’m halfway down the hall before I realize she isn’t following. “Time’s a wastin’, Lex. No funny business, I promise!” I say, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower.
    “Alright, fine.”
    What have I gotten myself into with this one?

    BY THE TIME I step into the shower, Coen’s tall, muscular, tattooed body is covered in soap suds. He’s fast. It’s probably best we didn’t shower together, anyways. I’m mesmerized watching him run his hands through his wet hair, over his arms and down his body. Last night was so unlike me. Sleeping with a man I just met and agreeing to spend the night with him. But it was the best sex I’ve had in a long time. We were so in tune with each other. I need to prepare myself for the fact that this, he and I, may never happen again. But I’ve never felt this safe with someone before. I’ve never felt like half of my soul was walking around outside of my body. He treats me like an equal. He knows I can stand up for myself, yet he still wants to protect me. And I have no idea why he does, but I’m going to enjoy it while I can, because once I step foot out of his car later, I’ll be on my own. I’m not sure I even remember what that’s like. Being on my own.
    He rinses off and steps out to grab a towel that’s sitting beside the sink. He gives me a soft smile and a wink as he starts wraps the towel around his waist. “I know I’m fucking sexy as hell, Lex, but get that sweet ass of your in the shower or we’ll both be late.”
    My cheeks feel flush, and I realize I’ve been staring. As I pull off my shirt, I feel a sharp sting. “Hey!” I screech. Coen slapped me on the ass. He laughs as he walks past me, shutting the door behind him.
    “Five minutes, Lexi.” I hear him shout from the hallway. Stepping into the shower, it dawns on me. I’m going to be using his soap and shampoo. This means I’m going to smell like him all day. I’m not making this any easier on myself.
    I shower and dress as fast as I can. By the time I get back to Coen’s bedroom, he’s not there. I continue down the stairs. “Coen? Where are you?” I can hear shuffling around.
    “In here, Sweet

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