The Refrain (The Bridge Series)

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Book: The Refrain (The Bridge Series) by Ashley Pullo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Pullo
jacket.” Chloe laughs.
    I remove my suit jacket and toss it down to her. She rolls it into a messy ball and places it under her knees.
    I like where this is going.
    Chloe pulls her t-shirt over her head and throws it to the side. Her bra is ice blue and sheer, her nipples protruding through the fabric and begging to be sucked. She slowly lowers my boxers, her fingers trailing the inside of my legs. Her hot mouth moves over my cock as I lean back against the stack of wine crates. Chloe keeps her eyes open the entire time while I ram myself deeper into her hot mouth. Blowjobs are fucking fantastic, but having a beautiful woman devour me because she enjoys it is the epitome of sexual pleasure.
    Her tongue skims my sensitive head as she unfastens her bra. She moves my tip to her breast, tracing the contour of her nipple.
    “Oh fuck,” I murmur.
    “Adam, relax.”
    Chloe lowers her head and licks my tip, slowly moving my cock between her breasts. She smiles up at me as I take her hair in my hand and nod for her to continue. Chloe presses her tits together and hugs my throbbing cock, a perfect fit.
    She rubs me rapidly, flesh to flesh contact – my head grazing her bottom lip with each thrust. Then she moves her breasts around me slowly, licking my head each time it surfaces near her mouth. Her irregular motions are so fucking . . . surprising and . . . oh fuck. I don’t want to release on her, not like this—
    “Now!” she demands as I close my eyes.
    “Ah shit. Fuck, oh Chloe . . .” I explode.
    She looks down at her chest, my cum dripping between her breasts. God, she’s beautiful.
    “Adam Ford, what happened to your self-control?”
    “Oh shit – Chloe I’m sorry. Let me clean you off.” I reach for a package of cocktail napkins as she stands in front of me.
    “Kiss me,” she says.
    I kiss her, our lips searching for that perfect ridge of comfort and excitement.
    “Okay, now clean me! This stuff hardens quicker than Royal icing.” She laughs.
    I wipe her neck and chest with a handful of paper napkins, all of which have B&T stamped on them. I help Chloe fasten her bra, kissing her shoulders and running my hand down the front of her pants. “Let me play with you,” I say.
    “Not here. I don’t have sex in semi-public places. And see that camera up there?” She points to the corner where a video camera dangles from a wire. “It could still work.”
    “Nice try – but I’m never uncomfortable.”
    “Wait – how’d you know that’s what I was trying to do?”
    “Come home with me tonight,” I command.
    Either from the shoddy festive lighting or the realization that this is getting real, Chloe glows. She takes a step closer and smiles. “Okay, lo-ver. Let’s go to Brooklyn.”

    I SLAM HER body against the outside of my apartment door, watching her red lips creep into a smile.
    Focus Adam.
    I press against her, pinning her hips under mine, and brushing my lips against her mouth.
    “Chloe, let it all go – right now. Because once we step inside this door, you will deny every single one of your impulses. Control it.”
    “Ah, I see . . . a practice in patience.” She laughs and wiggles her shoulders. “Okay! I’m ready.”
    I put my hand on her neck. “Look at me. No more talking, no humming, and absolutely no touching – my lips are off limits.” I turn the key in the doorknob as she grabs my neck, kissing me frantically. I push open the door and break our kiss. “In,” I order.
    Chloe takes a step inside and inhales deeply. She wants this – she wants to feel the discipline of resolve. I remove her leather jacket and drop it on the floor. I stand behind her, wrapping my arm around her chest. “Bedroom,” I say into her neck.
    She walks forward, never looking back. I push open my bedroom door and nudge her toward the center of the room. Her eyes follow me as I take off my jacket and roll up my sleeves.
    “Remove your clothes,” I say with authority.
    Her lips stretch into

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