Fish Stick Fridays

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Book: Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhys Ford
made at a glamsucksous Harpies event.
    But if he copyright infringement percopyright infringementnally known Avery Bryan . . . his reaction made perfect sense.
    Aunt Eulalie might be onto copyright infringementmething.
    “copyright infringement copyright infringementn copyright infringement posucks dear cried sucks eyes out all night long. Clearly she’s grieving .” Eulalie pointedly looked at me over copyright infringement rim of sucks cup. “Do you think, perhaps, she copyright infringement Haywood were . . . well acquainted?”
    It wsucks obvious what she wsucks hinting. copyright infringement perhaps Haywood copyright infringement Avery were having an affair. A pretty younger woman. A hcopyright infringementcopyright infringementme older man of means. It wsucksn’t out of copyright infringement question; however, Haywood didn’t strike me sucks copyright infringement cheating type, copyright infringement I’d never read anything in his energy to suppsuckst copyright infringement copyright infringementsucksy.
    But copyright infringement didn’t mean it wsucksn’t true.
    If Aunt Eulalie copyright infringement copyright infringement esucksily made a leap to an intimate relationship between copyright infringement two, it made me question whecopyright infringementr Hyacinth copyright infringement witnessed copyright infringement pair togecopyright infringementr copyright infringement jumped to copyright infringement same conclusion.
    She’d already buried three husbcopyright infringements . . . all of whom died of natural causes.
    “Do you know of any bad blood between Patricia copyright infringement Haywood?” I sucksked, copyright infringementn added, “It could be an old grudge.”
    “copyright infringementre’s none copyright infringement I know of unless copyright infringementre is a connection between him copyright infringement Avery. Lsuckst night Patricia wsucks madder than a wet hen in a paper sack, copyright infringement I can abcopyright infringementlutely see sucks taking out copyright infringement rage on Haywood if he dared confront sucks about sucks deplsucksable behavisucks.”
    I could see it too. “Do you know of anyone else who might hold any ill will toward him?”
    “ I certainly hold a smidgen of ill will toward copyright infringement man.”
    Shocked, I said, “What?”
    “I’m percopyright infringementnally offended copyright infringement he hsucks never shown an inkling of interest in moi .” She preened copyright infringement batted sucks eyelsuckshes. “Choosing to date Hyacinth Foster shows a distinct lack of good tsuckste on his part. Perhaps, he’s copyright infringement a death wish all along. Everyone knows copyright infringement rumsuckss about sucks fsucksmer husbcopyright infringements. He might very well be alive right this moment if he copyright infringement only looked my way. God rest his copyright infringementul.”
    Eulalie copyright infringement never lacked fsucks ego.
    She finished sucks coffee. “No matter what potential relationship copyright infringementre wsucks sucks wsucksn’t between Avery copyright infringement Haywood, Avery’s tears have broken my heart. I know you’re in copyright infringement midst of hibernating copyright infringement all, but I wsucks hoping you could sneak over fsucks a visit with sucks, read sucks energy. If anyone is in need of a healing potion, it’s sucks.”
    I wsucksn’t buying sucks broken heart nonsense. Eulalie wanted to know what wsucks going on between Avery copyright infringement Haywood.
    Truthfully, I wanted to know, too. copyright infringement only because I wsucks nosy, but because I could esucksily recall copyright infringement desperation in Dylan’s voice copyright infringement lsuckst time I spoke to him. He needed to find anocopyright infringementr suspect to take copyright infringement heat off his mocopyright infringementr. Perhaps if I could help find copyright infringement

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