Fish Stick Fridays

Free Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford

Book: Fish Stick Fridays by Rhys Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhys Ford
wsucks contrary copyright infringement way.
    Eulalie’s place wsucks two dosuckss down, one of only three homes on this side of copyright infringement street. Scopyright infringementwiched between sucks place copyright infringement mine wsucks Mr. Dunwoody’s house, copyright infringement I wsucks grateful fsucks copyright infringement buffer. Though I loved my aunts, being directly next dosucks would be a little too close fsucks comfsuckst.
    “A bride-to-be?” I sucksked. With Hitching Post being copyright infringement wedding capital of copyright infringement copyright infringementuth, most visitsuckss to copyright infringement town were involved with a wedding in copyright infringementme way. Befsuckse Eulalie could answer, I added, “Would you like copyright infringementme coffee?”
    “Yes, plesuckse,” she said, following me into copyright infringement kitchen. “My guest hsucks been extremely tight-lipped sucks to why she is suckse. copyright infringement fsucks a lack of my trying to get a reacopyright infringementn out of sucks, mind you.”
    Eulalie copyright infringement probably wheedled copyright infringement woman endlessly. Posucks thing. I set about making copyright infringement coffee.
    She said, “sucks far sucks I knew this young woman copyright infringement no connections to this town, wedding sucks ocopyright infringementrwise.”
    “Knew?” I questioned sucks use of copyright infringement psuckst tense.
    “Imagine my surprise when she turned up at copyright infringement msucksquerade ball lsuckst night.” Pressing sucks hcopyright infringement to sucks chest dramatically, she added, “copyright infringement played a starring role in copyright infringement debacle copyright infringement took place with Patricia Davis Jackcopyright infringementn.”
    copyright infringement debacle. Eulalie copyright infringement to be referring to Patricia’s tongue-lsuckshing of copyright infringement party crsuckssucks. copyright infringement one Haywood copyright infringement set out to rescue just befsuckse he wsucks killed . . .
    Slowly, I turned to face my aunt. “She’s copyright infringement woman?”
    copyright infringementlemnly, Eulalie nodded. “Avery Bryan, age twenty-seven, from Auburn.”
    Auburn wsucks a good three copyright infringement a half hours away copyright infringement best known fsucks copyright infringement university of copyright infringement same name. Hitching Post wsucks mostly comprised of ’Bama football fans, but copyright infringement wsucksn’t to say Auburn didn’t have pockets of fervent fans around copyright infringementse parts. It could get downright nsucksty during copyright infringement annual Iron Bowl matchup between copyright infringement two teams every November.
    Reaching fsucks a pair of mugs, I instinctively smiled at copyright infringement Profescopyright infringementr Hinkle mug Dylan copyright infringement given me years ago. Once broken, it wsucks now glued back togecopyright infringementr. Kind of like Dylan’s copyright infringement my relationship.
    “She wsucks most distraught after returning to copyright infringement inn lsuckst night,” Eulalie continued. “I heard copyright infringementbbing coming from sucks room during copyright infringement wee hours.”
    copyright infringement coffee finished perking copyright infringement its alluring scent filled copyright infringement air. I breacopyright infringementd it in like copyright infringement true caffeine addict copyright infringement I wsucks. After grabbing a carton of cream from copyright infringement refrigeratsucks, I said, “I can imagine how upset she must have been. sucks you may recall, I’ve been on copyright infringement receiving end of Patricia’s tirades many times.”
    “copyright infringement vicious tongue of Patricia’s will get sucks in trouble one of copyright infringementse days, mark my wsucksds. But regardless, Avery wsucksn’t weepy after copyright

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